Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Time to Pack

Friday, July 31, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

This morning Tony and Miranda finished packing up the last few things in the mini-van.  It was very tightly packed and with bags even strapped to the roof.  With the bicycles inside, there was barely enough room for the kids!  Once they were ready to go, we gave hugs, said our "Good-bye's", and waved them on their way.  They have a long, long drive ahead.  

With everyone gone, it was now our turn to get packed up.  We did all the laundry, got the trailer cleaned up, and then started packing and loading the motorcycles.  It took most of the day to get everything done.

We have about a 5 hour drive tomorrow and will be leaving first thing in the morning headed for Cheyenne.  We want to leave as early as possible to get ahead of the high winds found in that part of the state.

It was another wonderful day!

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