Sunday, January 17, 2021

Travel to Guymon

Wednesday, December  2, 2020 - Guymon, OK

On the news last night, we heard a snow storm is headed our way, but it was not supposed to arrive until sometime in the afternoon.  So we decided to get up very early and get on the road to avoid it.  As we turned and started driving west, we didn't like the look of the clouds.  They looked strange, and Mike thought they looked like snow.  So I pulled up the radar to see what we were headed for.  And unfortunately, the storm had shifted west and we were going to be driving right into the snow storm.  

When I looked at the radar it looked like we would be almost out of it by the time we got to Buffalo, OK, but instead it was getting worse.  I called Jess to have her look at the radar to see how much longer we were going to be in this storm and she said it extended all the way to Guymon......another 40+ miles.  During part of the drive, we were following a snow plow.  The roads did finally get a little better the closer we got to Guymon, but I can tell you I don't ever want to drive through a snow storm with the rig ever again!  Both the truck and the trailer were squirelly and being blown around on the slushy snow.  It turned a 4 hour and 40 minute drive into about 7 hours.

We finally arrived safe and sound at Corral Drive In RV Park in Guymon, OK.  We were both exhausted!  And the rig had a lot of snow and ice on it.

It also looks like the snow and ice tore some of the wire off the tail light on the truck...  We will have to see if we can get this fixed before moving on to our next location.

Here is a picture of our campsite.

And this campground really is a drive in movie theater.  :)

It was another wonderful day!??  

Cherokee Strip Rush Museum

Sunday, November 29, 2020 - Arkansas City, KS

Just down the way from the campground was this nice historical marker, with a nice sign explaining what the Cherokee Strip was.

It was very interesting.  Right next door to the campground was the Cherokee Strip Rush Museum, which explained the Cherokee Strip land rush of 1893.

Here are a couple more pictures of the museum.

It was a very, very nice little museum.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Arkansas City

Saturday, November 28, 2020 - Arkansas City, KS

We packed up and headed for Cherokee Strip Campground in Arkansas City, KS.  It was not a bad drive and we arrived safe and sound.

This is an ok campground, but nothing special.  Most of the people here are workers (oil field, wind turbine or something).  

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Nevada

Thursday, November 26, 2020 - Nevada, MO

Happy Thanksgiving!

The weather was much better this morning and it was a nice drive to Osage Prairie RV Park in Nevada, MO.   The downside was that Mike forgot and left his Leatherman on the power pedestal at Hansen Hills.

This is a very nice little campground.  The owners were very nice.  They had a really nice old horse (can't remember its name) in the stable right across the way from us.  :)

It was another wonderful day.

Travel to Kingdom City

 Wednesday, November 25, 2020 - Kingdom City, MO

We were up early this morning to travel to Hansen Hills Campground in Kingdom City, MO.  It was very foggy when we left this morning.

We arrived safe and sound, but this is the campground that you drive back 1.5 miles on a dirt road.  We stayed here when Mike was taking his airplane building class.  :)  Now, the truck, trailer and the Suburban are very dirty.

It was another wonderful day!

On the Road Again

Sunday, November 22, 2020 - Springfield, IL

We originally planned to leave yesterday, but we had taken the truck in for service a couple of weeks ago and they did not finish the work on it until yesterday!  To say the least we were not happy. it is fixed and we are on our way.  

Last night, we all ate dinner at Alex and Allyssa's.  It was a very nice dinner.  We let them know this morning we were going to need help getting out the driveway.  They installed a gate while we were here and it was a very tight squeeze, but we made it without any problems.  We said all of our "goodbye"s and headed on down the road.  When we got about 30 miles away we realized we did not say "good-bye" to Vivian.  We talked about finding a place to park the rig for a little bit, then heading back, but we just kept rolling.  We called Tony and Miranda, apologized, and told them to give her a kiss goodbye for us.  They said they would.

Gracie was enjoying the view.  :)

We arrived at Double J Campground around 3:00 PM.  We stayed here once before with the grandkids.  

This is a picture of the big checker board they have.  They had red and black 5 gallon buckets with a little bit of sand in them.  The kids had fun playing checkers with Papa.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Visit in Indy

Sunday, November 15, 2020 - Indianapolis, IN

Our new plan is to start working our way south next Saturday.  I really wanted to see my Mom and Dad one more time before we head south, so we decided to go down there today.  After church, Mike and I, Tony, Miranda, and Vivian all packed up in the Suburban and headed out.  Once we arrived in Indy, Tony and Miranda dropped us off at my Mom and Dad's house and they headed for Miranda's mom's house.  

We had a very nice visit with my Mom and Dad, then the 4 of us headed over to see Patsy's new house.  She just moved in a couple of weeks ago.  While we were there we helped her move some furniture around that was too heavy for her to move by herself.  :)

Eventually, we headed to Sue and John's house to celebrate Christa's birthday!  Tony and Miranda arrived just a few minutes before us.

Christa is expecting their second child in late December and she is looking good.  :)

On the trip back home Tony mentioned how strange it felt to not allow people to hold Vivian.  Everyone understood and just enjoyed her from a distance.  Just a sign of the times.....(sigh).

It was another wonderful day!

Jewelry Box

Saturday, November 14, 2020 - Knox, IN

Jess thought Ami would really like to have the jewelry box, so this morning Mike and I headed for AB's house to go through the jewelry.  I thought it would only take a couple of hours, but it ended up taking most of the day!  Any jewelry we found that we thought would be worth anything we set aside for Mike to take to a jewelers for appraisal.  I only found a couple of pairs of clip on earrings, the rest were pierced earrings.  But we found lots and lots of bracelets, necklaces and rings.  Most of the rings will be way to big for her fingers, but hopefully she will enjoy them all the same.  :)

There was so much jewelry that I even made a small box of jewelry for Macy.  We also ended up with a small box of jewelry to be appraised.

We plan to take this to Ami for Christmas.  :)

It was another wonderful day.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - Knox, IN

Over the weekend, Tony checked out the insulation in the underbelly of his rig.  He found there wasn't any at all, just the cover.  Right next to the door of the rig it says "Arctic Insulation".  They must not think the Arctic is very cold.  

He had the afternoon off today, so he worked on getting insulation in the underbelly.  Once he gets all of this insulation in the floor will be much warmer!

Macy climbed under to check out what Tony was doing, but found the dirt more interesting.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Another Day in Norfolk

Sunday, November 8, 2020 - Norfolk, VA

Originally we were planning on heading back today, but Jess really wanted us to stay.  She had to work most of yesterday and did not get to visit with us as much as she would have liked.  So we agreed to stay.  I would just plan to work in the car tomorrow on the trip back.  :)  This is one of the big benefits of working remotely.  

Yesterday after we got back from our walk, Mike twisted his ankle on some uneven concrete and fell.  Mike J was very worried, but I told him it was nothing to worry about; he has done this several times in the past and he knows what to do.  He was laid up most of today.  Fortunately the weather wasn't as nice, so we just played card games and watched movies today!  

It was another wonderful day!

Beautiful Day

Saturday, November 7, 2020 - Norfolk, VA

We unloaded the car this morning and one of the things we brought with us was a guitar AB had.  Ami wanted give it a try.  :)

Avander seemed to enjoy playing it also.  :)

It was a beautiful day out and the kids wanted to show me their jumping skills on scooters, so I took a couple of videos.  And they wanted me to take the video in slow motion.  LOL!

Later on I caught Ami playing the guitar again.  :)

While I was taking pictures I snapped a quick shot of Alex just chilling.  :)

Then I went out back and took a picture of Avander. 

When Jess got home from work we all headed down to the beach.  Even the dogs.  While we were there I took pictures of all of us for me to use in the calendar I make each year for my Mom and Dad.

The pictures did not turn out too bad and we all had fun, even the dogs had a good time.  I think that is more exercise then Oscar has had in his whole life.  

This evening after dinner, we built a fire and sat around the fire enjoying snacks and drinks.  :)  I do enjoy taking pictures of the flames dancing.  And yes that is an old wash tube the fire is in.  :)

It was another wonderful day!