Friday, January 8, 2021

Clean up Begins

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 - Knox, IN

This morning, Mike looked in the freezer for AB's (Aunt Betty's-she signed all cards to them as "AB") will but couldn't find it so he made a call to lawyer that he last knew AB went to to get her will done.  The lawyer confirmed Mike was the executor of the will.  I think this is going to a big headache.  

Once he found out he was executor, he called a couple of places to see about getting a dumpster so we can start the job of cleaning out all of the junk in the house.  I took the day off to help with what I could.  Holly took the day off, so she met us at the house.  The house is a real disaster and the stench is unbelievable!  AB was a hoarder and threw nothing away, not even the trash!  Mice and their turds were everywhere.  She could have easily been on an episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive.

Mike called both Dave and Doug to let them know AB had passed and was getting started on the clean-up.  Dave will be headed this way on Thursday and Doug will arrive on Friday to help with clean up.

The dumpster arrived shortly after we arrived at the house.  Holly brought some N-95 masks for us to use and we bought some rubber gloves.

I took on the bathroom, Holly took her bedroom and Mike took the family room.  Mike also worked on finding out financial information.  We broke down lots of boxes, moved good stuff out to the garage and throw away lots and lots of trash.  Some of the stuff was never used, but mice had destroyed it.  I came across several dozen wigs that were still in the original boxes that we hope to give away.

By the end of the day, the bathroom was mostly emptied (but still filthy), the bedroom had a good start, but the family room still had a long ways to go.  We will have to find a home for Poco, her bird, and Oscar, her dog.  We took Oscar home with us and made sure Poco had plenty of food and water.  Gracie was not happy at all to see Oscar!!  :)

It was another not good day (but slightly better).

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