Friday, January 8, 2021

Bruce and Annette's Anniversary Party

Saturday, October 24, 2020 - Bryan, OH

This morning we headed for Bryan, OH to attend Bruce and Annette's 10th Anniversary Party.  We got there early enough that we could swing by the cemetery and put new flowers on Mike's parent's gravesite.  Then we headed out to the cemetery on the other end of town to pay our respects to Allen Flesher's parents; his mom passed away earlier this year.  While we were there, we ran into Allen and Linda.  It was a real surprise and was very nice chatting with them for a while.  

Finally we were on our way to Sam's Place in Blakeslee, OH for the party.  We walked in while Bruce and Annette were going around the room introducing everyone and saying something about how they met them.  We were introduced as soon as we walked in.  :)

After introductions, it was time to eat dinner.  The food at Sam's Place is very good, but their signature drink, the Mosehopper, is the best!  I knew we were going to drive home after the party, so I only had one.   We came here once with Mike's Mom many years ago and it was the only time I can ever remember seeing her drink alcohol.  :)

Eventually, it was time for us to head out, but before leaving we did get a couple of pictures of the 4 of us.  I don't like the way I look in either one, but that is the way it goes.  LOL

It was another wonderful day!

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