Friday, January 8, 2021

Aunt Betty Passed Away

Monday, October 26, 2020 - Knox, IN

Aunt Betty's friend called Mike to let him know that she was not answering her phone.  This had happened on several occasions before and Mike would get a hold of her and she would say she just wasn't in the mood to talk to him right now, or something to that effect.  But this time, Mike was not able to get her to answer the phone either.  Mike was already out running errands but was about an hour away, but he headed up to her house to check on her.  Unfortunately, when he got into the house he found that she had passed away.  

He called 911 and they asked him to wait outside.  The police arrived and then EMS.  Mike continued to wait outside while EMS went in to confirm her passing and they checked for foul play.  After they finished, the coroner arrived.  Once the coroner did his exam, Mike contacted the funeral home to come pick her body up.   I finally got there just before they arrived.  When Palmer Funeral home got there, they were unable to get the gurney to the body because Aunt Betty was a hoarder, the house was packed full of stuff, and there was only a narrow path through the debris in the house.  Mike ended up helping them get her body threaded through the maze and out to the gurney.  I waited outside.

We think she actually passed away some time Sunday, but we don't know for sure.

It seemed strange that we were not that upset.  I have never felt this way before and I felt bad for feeling the way I did.

Mike did call Holly to let her know AB had passed.  

It was not a good day.

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