Sunday, January 17, 2021

Beautiful Day

Saturday, November 7, 2020 - Norfolk, VA

We unloaded the car this morning and one of the things we brought with us was a guitar AB had.  Ami wanted give it a try.  :)

Avander seemed to enjoy playing it also.  :)

It was a beautiful day out and the kids wanted to show me their jumping skills on scooters, so I took a couple of videos.  And they wanted me to take the video in slow motion.  LOL!

Later on I caught Ami playing the guitar again.  :)

While I was taking pictures I snapped a quick shot of Alex just chilling.  :)

Then I went out back and took a picture of Avander. 

When Jess got home from work we all headed down to the beach.  Even the dogs.  While we were there I took pictures of all of us for me to use in the calendar I make each year for my Mom and Dad.

The pictures did not turn out too bad and we all had fun, even the dogs had a good time.  I think that is more exercise then Oscar has had in his whole life.  

This evening after dinner, we built a fire and sat around the fire enjoying snacks and drinks.  :)  I do enjoy taking pictures of the flames dancing.  And yes that is an old wash tube the fire is in.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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