Sunday, January 17, 2021

On the Road Again

Sunday, November 22, 2020 - Springfield, IL

We originally planned to leave yesterday, but we had taken the truck in for service a couple of weeks ago and they did not finish the work on it until yesterday!  To say the least we were not happy. it is fixed and we are on our way.  

Last night, we all ate dinner at Alex and Allyssa's.  It was a very nice dinner.  We let them know this morning we were going to need help getting out the driveway.  They installed a gate while we were here and it was a very tight squeeze, but we made it without any problems.  We said all of our "goodbye"s and headed on down the road.  When we got about 30 miles away we realized we did not say "good-bye" to Vivian.  We talked about finding a place to park the rig for a little bit, then heading back, but we just kept rolling.  We called Tony and Miranda, apologized, and told them to give her a kiss goodbye for us.  They said they would.

Gracie was enjoying the view.  :)

We arrived at Double J Campground around 3:00 PM.  We stayed here once before with the grandkids.  

This is a picture of the big checker board they have.  They had red and black 5 gallon buckets with a little bit of sand in them.  The kids had fun playing checkers with Papa.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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