Sunday, January 17, 2021

Visit in Indy

Sunday, November 15, 2020 - Indianapolis, IN

Our new plan is to start working our way south next Saturday.  I really wanted to see my Mom and Dad one more time before we head south, so we decided to go down there today.  After church, Mike and I, Tony, Miranda, and Vivian all packed up in the Suburban and headed out.  Once we arrived in Indy, Tony and Miranda dropped us off at my Mom and Dad's house and they headed for Miranda's mom's house.  

We had a very nice visit with my Mom and Dad, then the 4 of us headed over to see Patsy's new house.  She just moved in a couple of weeks ago.  While we were there we helped her move some furniture around that was too heavy for her to move by herself.  :)

Eventually, we headed to Sue and John's house to celebrate Christa's birthday!  Tony and Miranda arrived just a few minutes before us.

Christa is expecting their second child in late December and she is looking good.  :)

On the trip back home Tony mentioned how strange it felt to not allow people to hold Vivian.  Everyone understood and just enjoyed her from a distance.  Just a sign of the times.....(sigh).

It was another wonderful day!

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