Friday, January 8, 2021

More Clean-up

Saturday, October 31, 2020 - Knox, IN

Happy Halloween!  Our original plan was to start heading south today, but our plans have changed drastically with AB's passing.  

Doug arrived last night and got to see and smell first hand the disaster we have been dealing with for the last couple of days.  Since all 4 Brown kids were together we got a couple of pictures.  Mike was really glad to see his brothers and sister.....albeit wishing it was under different circumstances.

We did get one without their masks on and Tony joined in on this picture.  :)

This morning I got my first hair cut since the start of COVID.  It was getting long and unruly.  I only had a few inches cut off, but it feels good!  Before picture:

After picture:

Tony sent me a Snapchat of Vivian and I just had to share it.  :)

It was another better day!

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