Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Norfolk today

Sunday, July 27, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

It rained off and on most of the day today.

This morning we went back to St. Olaf for 8:00am Mass.  We talked about going to another church, but it was 25 minutes away and St. Olaf is only about 7 minutes away.  It was another wonderful service.

After Mass we went back to Hot Cake's' Pancake and Waffle House.  Today we both had a waffle and bacon.  I had the apple waffle and Mike had the blueberry waffle.  It was very good and the service was great.

We got back to the trailer, the rain had stopped and we got our laundry packed up and we headed for Norfolk.  The boys were very happy to see us.  :)  Mike, Mike J. and the boys headed for the hobby store, while Jess and I just hung out.  :)

We really didn't do anything exciting, but we had a really nice time.  We even played some Family Game night on the Wii before heading back home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Swimming with the Boys

Saturday, July 26, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

It was a really beautiful day.  Today would have been 1 month since we left Indiana, but with the truck problems we had we left a day later.  :)

Mike J. and boys arrived around 10:30am.  Mike J. brought their power wheels truck, so we went for a walk up the hill to the play ground.  The truck did a good job getting up the hill.

After lunch we packed up the pool toys and headed up the hill to KOA Williamsburg to go swimming.  We had a really great time.  :)

After some swimming we headed back to the trailer and waited for the storm to pass.  It never rained on us, but we could hear the thunder off in the distance and could see the dark clouds.  Once the storm moved on we went back to the top of the hill to play on the playground.

After playing at the playground we headed back to the trailer.  Alex took a short nap.  Once again another storm was in the area, so we decided to go to Burger King for dinner.  This way the boys could play at the playland.  Mike had fun helping Avander get up to the second level.  :)

Mike J. and the boys headed for home after dinner and Mike and I headed to Kohl's to pick up a couple of things.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Waller Mill Park

Friday, July 25, 2014

After working this morning Mike and I headed for Waller Mill Park.  This is a very nice city park.

The entrance fee was $2.00.  This is a picture near the where you pay and the boat rental.

We decided we would take the Lookout Tower Trail.  The trail is 2.92 miles.  It was a very nice trail.  A little up and down and lots of tree roots to walk over!  Gracie really enjoyed.  The first 2 miles followed along the shore of the lake.

It was a beautiful day and we had a nice time.  After hiking the trail we walked over the bridge near the office and over to shelter #1.  They have very nice picnic areas and shelters.  It would be a great place to have a family reunion.  

After leaving Waller Mill Park we went to Queen Anne Dari-Snak for some ice cream.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Bad weather

Thursday, July 24, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

This morning there was a tornado that hit the Cherrystone campground in Cape Charles, VA, which is about 50 miles east of here.  It rained here, but thankfully we did not get any of the wind, hail or tornado that was associated with the storm.  We are keeping all of the people that were hurt and the 2 people that lost their lives in our prayers tonight.

Below is a link to some of the picture from the destruction.

Cherrystone Campground

Since it continued to rain off and on for the rest of the day, we did not do much today.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

We did not do much today.  For most of the day Mike worked on inventorying our stuff and putting it in a spreadsheet, so we could easily find things.  Since it could be located in the trailer, truck, or Suburban, we could spend lots of time looking an item.  :)   Once I was done working for the day, I helped him finish it up.

After dinner we took the truck for a drive, to keep the batteries charged.  When we returned from our quick trip, Mike, the guy in the trailer behind us, asked if we could watch his dogs for him on Saturday.  He will be going on a fishing outing and will be leaving at 3:30am and not returning until late.  So we went over to his trailer to meet his dogs.  They are both very nice and I don't think we will have any trouble with them...  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Motorcycle Ride

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

After work today, Mike and I went for a motorcycle ride.  It was the first time I rode on the motorcycle.  It is a very nice riding motorcycle, but we may need to do something about the seat.  :)

We rode down to the fishing pier at York River State Park, then to historic Yorktown.  I would really like to go back to historic Yorktown when we have more time to walk around the area.  :)  We were gone about 2.5 hours.

It was another wonderful day!

Papa watching the boys

Monday, July 21, 2014

This morning Mike got up early and headed for Norfolk to watch the boys while Mike J. and Jess worked.  He had a really nice time and wore Avander out.

It was another wonderful day!

Swimming at KOA

Sunday, July 20, 2014

This morning we got up and headed to St. Olaf for 8:00am Mass.  It is a much smaller church then St. Bebe.  Mass was held in their community room because they are in the process of building a new church.  They have not broke ground yet, but the plans are in the wall in the entry way, so I would think they would be starting soon.  It was a wonderful service.

After church we went to Hot Stack's Pancake and Waffle House.  

Since we went to early service the restaurant was not very busy yet. :)

It was much busier when we left.  I had the pigs in a blanket and Mike had the apple pancakes.  Both were very good, but both were much more than we could eat!

Today Mike J. is on duty, so Jess and the boys came here to go swimming and enjoy the day with us.  Mike gave Alex his batman mask, so I tried to take a picture of him with it on.

Then I thought I would get a picture with his hands down, but Avander had other plans.  :)

After eating some lunch we packed up and headed up to the Colonial KOA to play in the pools.  :)

Below is a video of Avander and Alex swimming.  :)

Alex and Avander swimming

After a little swimming me, Alex and Avander went over and played a little cornhole.  :)

After a little cornhole, Avander and I went over to the splash pad to cool down a little.

Once we returned to our campsite we started a fire to make some s'mores. We left the door to the trailer open and too much smoke got inside and caused the smoke detector to go off. After enjoying some s'mores Mike decided he would burn a couple of things he wanted to get rid of.  Well one of the things he throw in the fire blow up.  It was a very loud noise, one that Tony would have been proud of.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge

Saturday, July 19, 2014 - Suffolk, VA

Happy Birthday Tony!  We love you!  :)

This morning Mike and I headed for Norfolk to pick up Mike J, Jess and boys.  Then we headed for Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge.  I originally thought we were going to the state park.  We were hoping to find a picnic table to have lunch, then go on a hike.  Well, we arrived at the Railroad Ditch entrance, where we read a sign about all cars must have a permit.  We were sure we would come upon a pay station, but we did not see one...  The Railroad Ditch entrance is an auto tour for the park.  Once we arrived at Lake Drummond we were stopped by Federal DNR who let us know without the permit we were trespassing.  So we got a warning and a permit.  The permit is free, you just need to pick one up at the sign at the entrance.  :)  If this is your second time getting caught without a permit, it is a $250 fine.  So be sure to pick up your permit!  :)

Lake Drummond is a very shallow lake, with an average depth of 3 to 4 feet, with the deepest spot being 6 to 7 feet deep.

And it is not one any of us wanted to swim in.  Not sure you can really tell from the picture, but the water is about the color of very strong tea.  It does not smell.  I am not sure I would want to fish here either.

Here are some sights on the auto tour.

Alex and Avander enjoyed seeing the turtles.

The Federal DNR told us we could have a picnic at the underground railroad pavilion, so we went back to the pavilion.  It was a short walk back to the pavilion.

Then we laid out a blanket and enjoyed our lunch.

After our picnic lunch it was getting late and there weren't any trails to hike in the area, so we packed up and headed back to Jess and Mike J's place.  We had a nice dinner and headed back home.

It was another wonderful day!

Colonial Williamsburg

Friday, July 18, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

 This morning I got up early to get a couple of hours of work in before we headed for Colonial Williamsburg.  We arrived at the visitors center around 10:30am.  At 11:30am the Revolution in the Streets was going to start near the Capitol, so we decided to forgo the couple of movies at the visitor center and head directly to Duke of Gloucester Street..

This is a picture of the Capitol.

We did not have time to tour the inside of the Capitol.

We had a little time before the Revolution in the Streets was due to start, so we checked out some of the sights.  The Presbyterian Meeting House, the Raleigh Tavern, Silversmith and Milliner and Tailor.

The Revolution in the Streets was ok, but we wish we had gone to see more of the sights.  There were places we were unable to see because we ran out of time.  :)

After the Revolution in the Streets we had lunch at the garden at the King's Arms Tavern.  I took another picture of Mike, but I think he is not liking me being behind the camera all the time.  :)

Mike had the Dish of Beef and I had the Grid Ironed Chicken, which was a salad.  Both were very good.

 After lunch we headed down the street and stopped by the Public Armoury.   There was a neat old fire truck there:

From there we went to the Magazine.  

Then we had stops at the shoemaker, weaver and Bruton Parish church.  The church was very beautiful.  From there we walked down to the Governor's Palace.  Where our guide told us the story of the how the governor left the country with his family in fear for his life.  She did a great job and the palace was amazing

At the end of the day we stopped by M. Dubois Grocer for some ice cream before heading home.  While eating our ice cream the confederate band went by.

Once we got home we took Gracie for a walk and we came upon a turtle.  She did not know what to do with the turtle.  It was amusing to watch her investigate the turtle.


It was another wonderful day!