Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dinner with AB and Holly

Saturday, December 27, 2014 - South Bend, IN

This morning Mike and Tony were up very early to meet Phil at 8:00am for a gun show over in Shipshewana, IN.  I opted to sleep in a little longer, then go out to breakfast with my Mom and Dad over at Bob Evans.  We met my Uncle John and Aunt Martha over there also.  :)  We had a very nice time.

Once we got back from breakfast I got everything packed up and headed north to connect up with Tony and Mike.  Mike and I had a couple more things to put in the storage shed, so we borrowed Tony's key to the storage shed and headed out.  We needed to hustle because we needed to be up to Prime Table by 3:00pm.

We made it on time and met AB and Holly from dinner.  We brought in all of our gifts and after ordering dinner we did our gift exchange.  We had good food and good conversation.  It has been a while since we have seen them and it was nice to be able to catch up.  :)

After dinner Mike and I headed for La Porte to return a couple of books he borrowed from the library.  Diane was still working, so we waited for he to get off work to pick up what little bit of mail we had collected since we were up here earlier in the week.  :)

Next we needed to stop by Woodcox's house to leave Tony's key to the storage shed.  Since it was late enough Tony was able to meet us there.  It was nice to see Tony again.  :)  It will be a while before we will be able to see him again, but at least now he will be living in Northern Indiana again.

The plan for tonight was to get as far as we felt up for our drive to Norfolk, but that was not real far since we only made it to Elkhart.  :)  Tomorrow will be a long drive, so we called it a night early.

It was another wonderful day!

Tony Return's His Gift

Friday, December 26, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

We slept in a little today, but once we were up we headed for IHOP for breakfast.  Well not Tony, he wanted to sleep in just a little longer.  :)  When we got back from breakfast we noticed Tony's truck was gone, so we called him to find out where he was.  Come to find out, he took Gracie for a walk and locked himself out of the house.  Good thing he took his truck keys with him.  He said he went for a drive because it would be warmer then standing around outside.  :)

Eventually Mike, Tony and I headed for REI to return the youth backpack we got Tony for Christmas.  Tony checked out all of the backpacks they had and just did not find what he was looking for.  He looked around at all of the other things he might be interested and finally decided to get himself a new jacket.  :)  He also looked at their very wide selection of winter gloves, but just could not bring himself to spend the extra money right now.  He is still hoping to find his Tundra gloves.  :)

After a little shopping we meet Mom and Dad over at George and Mary Ann's for a visit at George's Tap room.  :)  We had a really nice time, but we did not have near enough time for visiting because we needed to head out to meet Patsy and Rick over at the Pawn Shop Restaurant. 

The food at the Pawn Shop was good and we had a really nice time.  We finally all headed back to Mom and Dad's to call it a night.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Christmas Day!

Thursday, December 25, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Everyone arrived at Mom and Dad's around 11:00am and we all enjoyed breakfast!  It was very good.  :)  After breakfast we gathered in the living room to start passing out Christmas presents.  :) This is the kids favorite time of day!  :)  When Tony opened his gift he realized fairly quickly that the backpack was to small.  Mike and I let him know we would take him to REI tomorrow to return it and hopefully find one he likes.  :)

After cleaning things up, everyone headed out.  Then my Mom and Dad and Tony and me sat down to play some euchre.  Tony and Dad beat Mom and I twice, good thing it was getting to be time to head for Patsy's!  :)

Patsy fixed a really good dinner, then we sat down to play Heads Up.  It is a game that you either have to act out to get your partner to guess the word or give clues to the word.  It was a lot of fun.  Kim even was doing a good job at guessing the words.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dr's Appt and Wire Group Dinner

Tuesday, December 23, 2014 - South Bend, IN

Mike went to his doctor's appointment and we both went to our dentist appointments.  Everything is good!  :)  After our appointments Mike took me up to Martin's Supermarket where I could use their wifi and get some work done.  While I was there I got a bite to eat for lunch also.  Then he headed out to pick up AB and take her out to lunch.  They went to Macri's Italian Restaurant for lunch.  He said it was very good.  After lunch they headed back to her house and he did a couple things for her.  Eventually he came back up to Martin's to pick me up.  :)

We had some time to kill before we were to meet the "Wire Group" for dinner at Logan's, so we finished up our Christmas shopping for Jess, Mike and the grandkids.  :)  At about 6:30pm we headed to Logan's to go ahead get our table for dinner.  Sonny and Dorthy, and Kathy and Lester all arrived and we were seated at our table.  We were holding off to order in hopes Ray and Myriam would soon arrive.  We called and left a message, but we never heard back.  :(

We had a wonderful time!  Great food and even better time visiting with everyone.  We let everyone know that we would be sure to let them know when we are in town again.  Finally around 10:00pm we headed back for the motel. 

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Dinner at Kazan's

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning we got up and headed over to Turn One to pick up a Fox Racing hoodie for Tony,  but they are closed today.  So we started to head south toward Indianapolis in hopes the Maximum Powersport in Peru would be open, but it was not open either.  Sorry Tony, it does not look like you will be getting a Fox Racing hoodie for Christmas.  :)

Once we got back down to Indianapolis we went to Dick's to find a backpack for Tony, but they did not have what we were looking for.  The sales person told us to try REI, but when I asked her where it was she said next to Golf Galaxy.  Not knowing the area that well I asked where that was and she said she would not be able to give us directions, so I looked it up on my phone and we headed for REI.  It really was not that hard to get to.  :)

We found a backpack that we thought Tony would like and headed back to my Mom and Dad's.  We needed to get changed and head for church by 4:00pm.  It was a very nice service at Christ the King.

After church we headed for Kazan's for dinner.  I told Tony I would do my best to delay the arrival of dinner as late as I possible could.  He was hoping to be at Kazan's between 7:00 and 7:30.  I called him at about 7:10 to let him know we were getting ready to order and to find out what he wanted.  He let me know that he forgot about the time change and he would be there at about 8:00pm.  He was driving in from Dallas, TX.

After everyone ordered their food, it was time to take some pictures.  I am trying to get better about taking pictures.  :)

We had a great chef tonight and it was really enjoyable to watch him cook!  :)

About 10 minutes after everything was cooked Tony arrived!  :)   It was great to see him.  His food was still warm and he enjoyed his meal. 

It was another wonderful day!

Dr. Appt and Dinner with Diane and Dennis

Monday, December 22, 2014 - La Porte, IN

This morning Mike and I were up early to head for La Porte.  My doctor appointment went very well.  I am still doing well.  :)  Then we went over to the Outreach lab, so Mike could get his blood work done.  He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at 9:00am.

This afternoon the dentist called and they had a couple of cancellations, so they will be able to work us in.  My appointment will be at 9:30am and Mike's will be at 10:10am.  This works out real good, since the doctor and dentist are in buildings next to each other.  :)

Diane had a short day today and was off work at 2:00pm.  I had gotten several work hours in today, so once she was ready to go home, I was able to head that way with her.  :)  Mike stayed behind at the library to do some reading.  He did not really want to listen to girl talk.  lol.

Diane fixed Chili for dinner and eventually Mike and Dennis came and we had a wonderful dinner and conversation!

Mike and I once again would need to get up early to head for Mike's doctor's appointment, so we called it a night and headed for Plymouth to stay at the Days Inn.  It is about the only hotel in the area that will allow dogs and we have Gracie with us.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Indianapolis

Sunday, December 21, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning Mike and I got up, got a little more packing done, then headed for church.  We went to Our Lady of Perpetual Help again today.  After Mass we went to Druther's for a quick breakfast.  We don't really have anything back at the trailer, since we will be gone for 2 weeks.

We finally got everything packed and on the road to Indianapolis around 3:00pm.  Just a couple hours later than I was hoping for.  :)  It was not a bad drive up north and the weather was beautiful!  Sun!

We went straight to Sue and John's house for some pizza and together time.  :)  We did play Canasta, boys vs girls and of course the girls won.  :)  We had a really nice time, but we needed to get headed for Mom and Dad's house before it got much later.  Tomorrow morning is going to be an early morning.  I have a Doctor's appointment at 10:30 in La Porte.

It was another wonderful day!

Last Day at Amazon & Pitch-In Dinner

Saturday, December 20, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

 Today was Mike's last day at Amazon.  They only worked until 11:45am, but they were going to paid for a whole day.  It was a beautiful day, so they were very glad to have the afternoon off.  As a celebration and time to say "Good-bye" we decided to have a pitch-in dinner at the Green River Resort camp store.  :)

When Mike got home we started packing up the trailer, so when we return on January 3, 2015 we can get the trailer hooked up to the truck and head out on the 4th.  :)  Around 5:00pm we headed up to the camp store to have the pitch in dinner, with whoever in the campground that wanted to join us.  We had good food and great conversation.

Today is Kim's birthday, so after dinner we sang "Happy Birthday" to her and had birthday cake.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Brother's Restaurant

Thursday, December 18, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This evening we meet up with Richard, Marcella, Bruce and Margaret at Brother's Restaurant in downtown Campbellsville.  We had a really nice time!

We did ask what the numbers on the wall meant and the waitress said they came from a bourbon brewery.  It did not sound like they really meant anything.  :)

We found out that when we first pulled in back in October several of the other camper figured we were big executives and would not be working at Amazon.  :)  Brian Stewart, who we bought the truck from, let us know this would happen.  :)  But they found out we are not big executives and Mike did work at Amazon.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Druther's for Breakfast

Sunday, December 14, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we headed for Our Lady of Perpetual Help for 10:00am Mass.  After Mass we decided since Campbellsville dining hall is closed for Christmas break we would try out Druther's.  They are only open for breakfast and lunch, but the breakfast was really good.  We both had eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast.  Well Mike had a biscuit.  :)

We found out that Saturday, December 20th will be Mike's last day.  I am ready to move to our new location, but it will be a couple of weeks before we actually move the rig.  We will be headed north for Christmas, then east for New Years.  Shortly after New Years we will be headed back here to pick up the rig and head for Uvalde, TX.

In the afternoon we took the big truck to fill the tanks.  It took 125 gallons.  OUCH!  I glad we don't fill that tank very often and I am also glad the price of diesel is down from earlier this year. 

It was another wonderful day!

A Week in Norfolk

Monday, December 8 through Friday, December 12 - Norfolk, VA

Well I arrived Monday morning around 3:00am.  It was a long drive and I was very tired.  As soon as I arrived I headed straight for bed.   :)  I walked Alex to school almost all week.  One day he did want his mom to take him, but he had to promise not to run.  Avander walked with us..or should I say I carried him.  As the week progressed I let Avander know he is getting too big for Grandma to carry him that far.  By the end of the week he actually walked all the to and from Alex's school.  :)

We had a really nice week and Jess was able to rest and relax.  :)  Below are a couple of great pictures I took while I was there.  :)

At one point I was trying to take a picture of Jess and Amilyne, but Alex kept getting in the way.  At first I don't think he was trying to, it was just him jumping around.  But then he realized what was happening, then there wasn't any way I was going to get a picture.  :)

I finally got a good picture.  :)

Here are a couple more nice pictures.  :)  Avander picture was not real good, but I like it all the same.

Friday night we went to Avander's Christmas program at his pre-school.  I really enjoyed the program.  All of the kids did a really great job!

Here is a video of the program.  (I never claimed to be good at taking pictures or movies.  :)  )

Avander's Chirstmas Progam

I gave Alex my phone and below are some of the pictures he took.  :)  He took over 150 pictures, some were very blurry and some were of people we don't even know.  :)  I only included 11 of the better pictures.  Alex really enjoys taking pictures!

Jess then took at picture of Alex and I.

Santa came after all of the kids finished their songs.  Avander was not happy about sitting on his lap until we got a candy cane.

They were both tired and we headed home. 

It was a wonderful week!