Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Week in Norfolk

Monday, December 8 through Friday, December 12 - Norfolk, VA

Well I arrived Monday morning around 3:00am.  It was a long drive and I was very tired.  As soon as I arrived I headed straight for bed.   :)  I walked Alex to school almost all week.  One day he did want his mom to take him, but he had to promise not to run.  Avander walked with us..or should I say I carried him.  As the week progressed I let Avander know he is getting too big for Grandma to carry him that far.  By the end of the week he actually walked all the to and from Alex's school.  :)

We had a really nice week and Jess was able to rest and relax.  :)  Below are a couple of great pictures I took while I was there.  :)

At one point I was trying to take a picture of Jess and Amilyne, but Alex kept getting in the way.  At first I don't think he was trying to, it was just him jumping around.  But then he realized what was happening, then there wasn't any way I was going to get a picture.  :)

I finally got a good picture.  :)

Here are a couple more nice pictures.  :)  Avander picture was not real good, but I like it all the same.

Friday night we went to Avander's Christmas program at his pre-school.  I really enjoyed the program.  All of the kids did a really great job!

Here is a video of the program.  (I never claimed to be good at taking pictures or movies.  :)  )

Avander's Chirstmas Progam

I gave Alex my phone and below are some of the pictures he took.  :)  He took over 150 pictures, some were very blurry and some were of people we don't even know.  :)  I only included 11 of the better pictures.  Alex really enjoys taking pictures!

Jess then took at picture of Alex and I.

Santa came after all of the kids finished their songs.  Avander was not happy about sitting on his lap until we got a candy cane.

They were both tired and we headed home. 

It was a wonderful week!

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