Saturday, December 27, 2014

Dinner at Kazan's

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning we got up and headed over to Turn One to pick up a Fox Racing hoodie for Tony,  but they are closed today.  So we started to head south toward Indianapolis in hopes the Maximum Powersport in Peru would be open, but it was not open either.  Sorry Tony, it does not look like you will be getting a Fox Racing hoodie for Christmas.  :)

Once we got back down to Indianapolis we went to Dick's to find a backpack for Tony, but they did not have what we were looking for.  The sales person told us to try REI, but when I asked her where it was she said next to Golf Galaxy.  Not knowing the area that well I asked where that was and she said she would not be able to give us directions, so I looked it up on my phone and we headed for REI.  It really was not that hard to get to.  :)

We found a backpack that we thought Tony would like and headed back to my Mom and Dad's.  We needed to get changed and head for church by 4:00pm.  It was a very nice service at Christ the King.

After church we headed for Kazan's for dinner.  I told Tony I would do my best to delay the arrival of dinner as late as I possible could.  He was hoping to be at Kazan's between 7:00 and 7:30.  I called him at about 7:10 to let him know we were getting ready to order and to find out what he wanted.  He let me know that he forgot about the time change and he would be there at about 8:00pm.  He was driving in from Dallas, TX.

After everyone ordered their food, it was time to take some pictures.  I am trying to get better about taking pictures.  :)

We had a great chef tonight and it was really enjoyable to watch him cook!  :)

About 10 minutes after everything was cooked Tony arrived!  :)   It was great to see him.  His food was still warm and he enjoyed his meal. 

It was another wonderful day!

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