Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tony Return's His Gift

Friday, December 26, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

We slept in a little today, but once we were up we headed for IHOP for breakfast.  Well not Tony, he wanted to sleep in just a little longer.  :)  When we got back from breakfast we noticed Tony's truck was gone, so we called him to find out where he was.  Come to find out, he took Gracie for a walk and locked himself out of the house.  Good thing he took his truck keys with him.  He said he went for a drive because it would be warmer then standing around outside.  :)

Eventually Mike, Tony and I headed for REI to return the youth backpack we got Tony for Christmas.  Tony checked out all of the backpacks they had and just did not find what he was looking for.  He looked around at all of the other things he might be interested and finally decided to get himself a new jacket.  :)  He also looked at their very wide selection of winter gloves, but just could not bring himself to spend the extra money right now.  He is still hoping to find his Tundra gloves.  :)

After a little shopping we meet Mom and Dad over at George and Mary Ann's for a visit at George's Tap room.  :)  We had a really nice time, but we did not have near enough time for visiting because we needed to head out to meet Patsy and Rick over at the Pawn Shop Restaurant. 

The food at the Pawn Shop was good and we had a really nice time.  We finally all headed back to Mom and Dad's to call it a night.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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