Saturday, December 27, 2014

Travel to Indianapolis

Sunday, December 21, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning Mike and I got up, got a little more packing done, then headed for church.  We went to Our Lady of Perpetual Help again today.  After Mass we went to Druther's for a quick breakfast.  We don't really have anything back at the trailer, since we will be gone for 2 weeks.

We finally got everything packed and on the road to Indianapolis around 3:00pm.  Just a couple hours later than I was hoping for.  :)  It was not a bad drive up north and the weather was beautiful!  Sun!

We went straight to Sue and John's house for some pizza and together time.  :)  We did play Canasta, boys vs girls and of course the girls won.  :)  We had a really nice time, but we needed to get headed for Mom and Dad's house before it got much later.  Tomorrow morning is going to be an early morning.  I have a Doctor's appointment at 10:30 in La Porte.

It was another wonderful day!

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