Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dr's Appt and Wire Group Dinner

Tuesday, December 23, 2014 - South Bend, IN

Mike went to his doctor's appointment and we both went to our dentist appointments.  Everything is good!  :)  After our appointments Mike took me up to Martin's Supermarket where I could use their wifi and get some work done.  While I was there I got a bite to eat for lunch also.  Then he headed out to pick up AB and take her out to lunch.  They went to Macri's Italian Restaurant for lunch.  He said it was very good.  After lunch they headed back to her house and he did a couple things for her.  Eventually he came back up to Martin's to pick me up.  :)

We had some time to kill before we were to meet the "Wire Group" for dinner at Logan's, so we finished up our Christmas shopping for Jess, Mike and the grandkids.  :)  At about 6:30pm we headed to Logan's to go ahead get our table for dinner.  Sonny and Dorthy, and Kathy and Lester all arrived and we were seated at our table.  We were holding off to order in hopes Ray and Myriam would soon arrive.  We called and left a message, but we never heard back.  :(

We had a wonderful time!  Great food and even better time visiting with everyone.  We let everyone know that we would be sure to let them know when we are in town again.  Finally around 10:00pm we headed back for the motel. 

It was another wonderful day!

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