Monday, December 15, 2014

Dad's Birthday Party

Saturday, December 6, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

I have not posted anything all week.  I don't have any excuses, just lazy, well and maybe the internet is a little slow.  :)  I could not tell you what we did all week...  Yesterday I did pick up a rental car.  I will be driving to Indianapolis for my Dad's birthday party tonight, Christa's baby shower tomorrow, then to Norfolk for the week.

This morning I needed to work a couple of hours, get a little laundry done and pack up and get ready to head to Indianapolis.  Mike had 5 hours of PTO built up and needed to take it today, so when I was just about ready to go he called to see if I wanted to meet him for lunch.  I finished packing, then headed for Long John Silver for lunch with Mike. After lunch Gracie and I headed north.

This evening we headed over to Patsy and Rick's to celebrate my Dad's birthday.  We had a really good time.  Patsy fixed meatloaf, which was very tasty.  :)  Shortly after dinner it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" and have cake and ice cream. 

It was another wonderful day!

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