Saturday, December 27, 2014

Last Day at Amazon & Pitch-In Dinner

Saturday, December 20, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

 Today was Mike's last day at Amazon.  They only worked until 11:45am, but they were going to paid for a whole day.  It was a beautiful day, so they were very glad to have the afternoon off.  As a celebration and time to say "Good-bye" we decided to have a pitch-in dinner at the Green River Resort camp store.  :)

When Mike got home we started packing up the trailer, so when we return on January 3, 2015 we can get the trailer hooked up to the truck and head out on the 4th.  :)  Around 5:00pm we headed up to the camp store to have the pitch in dinner, with whoever in the campground that wanted to join us.  We had good food and great conversation.

Today is Kim's birthday, so after dinner we sang "Happy Birthday" to her and had birthday cake.

It was another wonderful day!

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