Saturday, December 27, 2014

Dr. Appt and Dinner with Diane and Dennis

Monday, December 22, 2014 - La Porte, IN

This morning Mike and I were up early to head for La Porte.  My doctor appointment went very well.  I am still doing well.  :)  Then we went over to the Outreach lab, so Mike could get his blood work done.  He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at 9:00am.

This afternoon the dentist called and they had a couple of cancellations, so they will be able to work us in.  My appointment will be at 9:30am and Mike's will be at 10:10am.  This works out real good, since the doctor and dentist are in buildings next to each other.  :)

Diane had a short day today and was off work at 2:00pm.  I had gotten several work hours in today, so once she was ready to go home, I was able to head that way with her.  :)  Mike stayed behind at the library to do some reading.  He did not really want to listen to girl talk.  lol.

Diane fixed Chili for dinner and eventually Mike and Dennis came and we had a wonderful dinner and conversation!

Mike and I once again would need to get up early to head for Mike's doctor's appointment, so we called it a night and headed for Plymouth to stay at the Days Inn.  It is about the only hotel in the area that will allow dogs and we have Gracie with us.

It was another wonderful day!

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