Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Del Rio, TX

Monday, February 16, 2015

Since today is President’s day it is a federal holiday, so Mike had the day off.  I took a half a day off.  We slept in a little, and then I got up and started working.  After getting a couple of hours of work in, we got ready to head for Del Rio.  Mike was hoping to get an appointment with an FAA physician over in Del Rio today to get his FAA medical.  Before leaving we stopped by the library to get the necessary paper work he would need for the appointment.  Unfortunately getting the appointment done today did not work out, but we now know where the office is at.  Mike will be talking to Rick in the next day or two to see if he can take a morning or afternoon off to complete this appointment. 

After finding the doctor’s office we ran by Wal-Mart to pick up a couple things, then we went to Chili’s for lunch.  It was a very nice lunch. 

Thomas and Patricia had told us about a nice size lake here in Del Rio, so we were going to try to find it.  After checking my phone I found that they must be talking about Amistad Lake National Recreation Area.  It looks like a very nice boating and recreational lake.  :)

We did not go to the dam, since it is in Mexico and we did not have our passports with us.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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