Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Feeling Bad!

Saturday, February 21, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

I have not updated the blog in a while, mostly because I have not been feeling well.  I have caught a cold and it has me down.  Today was no exception.  This morning Mike and I took Gracie for a walk and while on the walk we saw Rennie coming through the gate.  He invited us over to his place to see his arrowhead collection.  It is a very nice collection and we really enjoyed seeing it.  :)  On the way back to our place I was getting very tired and not feeling well at all.  We were supposed to go to the fly-in over at the airport today with Thomas and Patricia, but I decided it would be better for me to stay home and get myself feeling better.  

Mike did not take the camera or his phone, so he did not get any pictures, but he did say it was a nice fly-in.  They went over to the other side of the airport and were given a tour of the service area.  They were gone for several hours and I was able to get lots of sleep.  :)

That evening we did not do much either.  Hopefully I will be feeling a lot better by Thursday, since I will be flying over to Fort Myers, FL to spend a long weekend with my Mom and Dad.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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