Saturday, March 7, 2015

Rumrunners and Company for dinner

Friday, February 27, 2015 – Fort Myers, FL

The weather today was a little cool all day, so we did not go swimming in the pool at all.  Once everyone was up and ready to go we headed for the hospital to visit Aunt Martha.  She had been down here visiting mom and dad last week, but she ended up in the hospital with pneumonia.  Everyone said she looked a lot better today.  That was really good to hear!  

After our visit with Aunt Martha, we headed back to mom and dad’s place to pick up Rick before heading out to lunch.  We went to Rumrunner’s for lunch.  It is a very nice place on the canal.  Last year when we came here we saw a couple of dolphin’s and I was unable to get any good pictures of them, so I was hoping I would see some more today.   Sure enough we no more than got seated at our table and there was a dolphin out in the water.  But I was not quick enough to get a good picture of him.  All you can see is his fin.

But before they brought our lunch out I saw another one.  This one did not come out of the water as far as the first one, but I was able to catch a better picture of him.  

Neither picture is great, but I did get a picture of mom, dad, Patsy and Rick at our table.  :)

As always the food at Rumrunner’s was very good.

After lunch we headed back to mom and dad’s place to get ready for company tonight.  Mark and Linda, Jeff and Mary, PJ and Ray and Sally all came over for dinner.  We spent the evening enjoying everyone’s company.  :)  We had a lot of good conversation and a lot of laughs.  

It was another wonderful day!

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