Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dinner and Cards

Saturday, February 28, 2015 – Fort Myers, FL

It was beautiful weather this morning, so we all hopped into our swimming suits and sat around the hot tub and just enjoyed each others company.  Finally we decided it was time to get ready to go get something to eat for lunch. Before we left for lunch I clicked this picture of my mom and dad.  :)

We ate lunch at the restaurant at Burnt Store Marina, Cass Cay.  It is a very nice place with good food.

After lunch we found out that the plan was to meet Jeff and Mary, Ray and PJ and Sally at Fish Monger at 5:00pm.  They still had not decided if we were going to play cards tonight or not.  :)

Once back at Mom and Dad’s we decided we would play some euchre to pass the time before we had to leave for the restaurant.  I was able to get 2 loner hands, which never seems to happen for me.  :)  It was a nice time.

Around 4:00pm we headed out for the restaurant and the rain started coming down!  By the time we got to the restaurant it was pouring!  The Fish Monger was a place that Patricia had recommended to me before I left Uvalde, so I was looking forward to eating here.  The food I had was pretty good, but not everyone was happy with their meal.  We were also not real happy with the service.

After dinner we decided to go over to Jeff and Mary’s condo to play some euchre.  We were hoping Mark and Linda would be able to join us, but they weren't, so that left us with 10 people to play.  We did play a couple of rounds and swapped people in and out.  

Before leaving Mary gave us a tour of her place.  The bed in the sofa bed was pulled out and while we were standing there the dog hopped up on the bed and went to lay down on the pillow.  But instead fell in the crack between the couch and the top of the bed.  We all laughed, then helped the dog get out.  :)

Around 10:00pm we finally called it a night and headed back to mom and dad’s place.

It was another wonderful day!

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