Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Drive to Norfolk

Thursday, April 16, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Once again Mike ran out and got a picture of the rig before we packed up to leave the campground.  I have not been very good about taking pictures of our campsite on this last move!

After dropping the truck and trailer off at the storage facility we headed down the road for Norfolk!  :)

I was really surprised that I had 4G coverage most of the way to Norfolk.  While Mike drove I worked.  :)  This allowed me to get a full days work in.

We arrived in Norfolk around 6:00pm.  We sure do not miss this traffic!  But we sure were happy to see the kids!  :)  And the best part about it, was they were happy to see us.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Move to Sevierville

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - Sevierville, TN

I cannot believe it, but we forgot to take a picture at our campsite in Fort Payne, AL.  It was a very nice little campground, but it was very muddy since we had all that rain last night.

Today we had short drive to Sevierville.  We pulled into River Plantation around 2:00pm.  This is a very large campground, but very nice.

Once we got all set up Mike wanted to check on the motorcycles, which is what he does each time we stop...  Bad news!  The FJ fell over.  The grab bar that Mike used to strap the bike to broke and allowed the strap to come off the bike.  It is hard to see from the picture below.

 When it fell over it damaged the bike and the inside wall of the trailer.  :(

We were just glad it did not go all the way through the wall.  At least the weather is beautiful today!

After being upset about the bide and trailer we headed down the street to O'Charley's for dinner.  It was very good.

It was another wonderful day!

Move to Fort Payne

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - Fort Payne, AL

Before packing up this morning Mike ran outside and took a picture of our camp site.

These were very nice sites.  Lots of room between rigs, just the way we like it.

The plan for today was to stop just south of Birmingham, AL, but when we got there the campground we picked was not there anymore and our second choice was further off the highway then we wanted to take the rig for just one night.  So we got back on the highway and continued further north.  We finally stopped at Wills Creek RV Park in Fort Payne, AL.  We got there just before the rain started and once it started, it cut loose!

We did run into town and got ourselves some dinner at Cracker Barrel.  

It was another wonderful day!

Move to West Monroe

Monday, April 13, 2015 - West Monroe, LA

We were not sure the truck was going to get done in time for us to move on, but finally at about 2:15pm we pulled out of Tyler, TX.  We ended up staying at Pavilion RV Park in West Monroe, LA.  When we got there we realized this is the town where Duck Dynasty is located.  I saw a sign for Willie's Duck Diner, so I decided that is where we would go to eat dinner.

Once the rig was set up we headed down the road to the next exit and stopped by Duck Commander.  :)  Of course we had to get pictures.

After the pictures we headed a little further down the road to Willie's Duck Diner.

The food and service were very good.  If you are in the area, this is a good place to eat. Inside the restaurant was a saying on the wall from Season 1 of Duck Dynasty.  We really liked the saying, but we could not get a very good picture of it.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Sunday, April 12, 2015 - Tyler, TX

We went to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 10:00am Mass.  It is a very beautiful Cathedral. 

In the afternoon we went looking for a flower pot.  I really wanted a pretty flower pot.  I found one in Uvalde at TSC, but I did not buy it.  I wanted to check out Lowe's, so that is where we went.  We did not find any unique pots there, but they had a lot of beautiful flowers.  So we checked the phone to see if there was a TSC in the area, there was.  They had the flower pot I liked in Uvalde, plus they another one I liked even better, so we got it!  :)  Then we went back to Lowe's and I bought some of the flowers and a couple of just plain pots.  The pot I got at TSC has a solar light.  :)

While I was taking pictures I took a picture of our campsite.  The campsites are close, but the campground is clean.  The other campers are either living here or just here for the night. 

Yes, today was a rainy day! 

It was another wonderful day!

East Texas Oil Museum

Saturday, April 11, 2015 - Tyler, TX

Yesterday while Mike was driving to Herrin Haulers he saw the East Texas Oil Museum and thought it would be a good place to go, so that is what we did today!  :)  It was a really nice museum!

 Bobby was our museum docent.  He was very entertaining. 
 This was a mock up of what downtown Kilgore looked like back in the 1930's.

 This is out in the main area of the museum.

Once again we found a very unique attraction and really enjoyed it.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Truck Trouble

Friday, April 10, 2015 - Tyler, TX

On Mike's way to Kilgore, Hall Volvo called to let us know the truck needs new front brakes.  He told them to go ahead, but the problem is they have to order a part and it will not be in until Monday.  When I went up to the office to check to see if we would be able to stay the gentleman asked how I was doing.  I told him it was up to the answer he was going to give me.  So I asked if we would be able to stay until Monday, when he said that would not be a problem, I told him I was having a good day!  :)

This means we will not be able to see our friends in AR.  :(  Hopefully we will still be able to be on the road by 1:00pm on Monday.  We want to be in Norfolk by Thursday and that is still a long drive from here. 

While Mike was out he ran by the grocery store, so we had chicken salad for dinner to tonight.  It was really good!

It was another wonderful day!

Nothing Special

Thursday, April 9, 2015 - Tyler, TX

Today I worked while Mike did some running around.  He was going to run over to Kilgore, TX to check Herrin Haulers, a truck conversion place, to see about singling our truck, but the gentleman he was going to meet with was not going to be available today.  He will head over there tomorrow.

The rain moved in this afternoon and one of the storms caused the trailer to rock pretty good.  Gracie did not like it very much.  :)

This evening we went to Schlotzsky's Deli for dinner.  We have not eaten at Schlotzsky's for some time and we really like their sandwiches.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Move to Tyler

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 - Tyler, TX

Since we only had about 3.5 hour drive we did not need to hurry.  We were on the road by 10:30am and arrived at #1 RV Park of Tyler around 2:30pm.  We did make one stop for me to get gas in the Suburban.  If we would have planned ahead, we would have gotten the gas last night.  :)

By the time we got set up, took Gracie for a walk and dropped off the truck it was around 4:30pm and we were hungry.  We decided to go back to Don Juan on the Square.  We were there when we were here in January.  It is a very good Mexican restaurant. 

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Move to Leander KOA

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 - Leander, TX

We got up early this morning and got the last of the packing done and hitched up.  At 10:00am we went to the break room and enjoyed peanut butter ice cream pie with the crew at the fish hatchery!  Everyone seemed to like it.  :)

We were on the road by about 10:45 and arrived at the Leander/NW Austin KOA around 3:00pm. 

We did run by PetSmart to pick up new collar for Gracie.  We throw the old one away after the skunk made it smell really bad!  Gracie was happy!  She did not like the collar we had on her..  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Last Day in Uvalde

Monday, April 6, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

We are almost ready to leave.  The only things that need to be done are things that can only be done when we are ready to hook up.  Tonight we will just relax.  :)

This evening I did run to the grocery to buy the ingredients for peanut butter ice cream pie.  Rick really likes peanut butter and I told him about it, so I thought if I was going to make it, I better get it done tonight.  We are going to leave right after the morning break tomorrow.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 05, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

Happy Easter Everyone!

When I got wet in the shower this morning the skunk smell came back very strong.  I definitely got some of the spray on me.  I was just hoping the people in church would not be able to smell me.  :)  I felt bad for the people that were sitting around me.  The gentleman sitting next to me finally moved and never came back. His daughter kept looking over at me.  I know they could smell the skunk!  How embarrassing!

After Mass Mike was able to get the truck all packed and the dirt bike put in the trailer.  I spent the afternoon cleaning the outside of the trailer.  It was very dirty and it looks much better now.  We should be able to finish up packing tomorrow evening. 

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner Out

Saturday, April 4, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

It was Mike’s weekend to take care of the fish, so Gracie was able to get another Gator ride today.  She has gotten so she really enjoys riding on the Gator!  :)

I was able to get the inside of the trailer all cleaned up, the inside of the Suburban organized and the grill cleaned.  Mike finished packing up his stuff in the shop.  Around 5:30 we got cleaned up and headed into town to eat dinner at Oasis Outback.  It is a store similar to a Bass Pro Shop, but it has a very nice restaurant inside also.

Inside the store there were animals all over even a helicopter.  :)

Then we realized there was giraffe watching us eat.  :)  So we just had to take a picture of him.

Tonight their special was all you can eat pork ribs.  It came with the salad bar, which could have been a meal all by itself. And a side dish.  It was a very good meal.

We both got a few more things done when we got back from dinner.  It was getting late and I told Mike I would take Gracie for her walk while he finished up in the shop.  He usually comes with me and then holds Gracie’s leash while I clean up after she does her business.  Since he was not with me, I just put the leash under my arm.  Gracie saw something and pulled the leash away from me.  She did not go very far, she does not like the leash coming after her.  When I got caught up with her, I saw 2 black objects.  I knew the one attached to the leash was Gracie and I thought the other was a cat.  I could not have been more wrong!  When I went to pick up the leash I bent down right through skunk spray!  Gracie had just gotten sprayed!

When we were walking back Mike had heard the commotion, so he was coming to check it out.  I told him not to get to close, but he was not down wind, so he did not smell it yet.  I told him I thought I got some spray on me also, and when we turned the corner he was now downwind of me and he agreed with me!

We got back to the shop and Gracie and I got into the shower.  I was really happy we did not have to use the shower in our home!  I think Gracie’s collar got the brunt of it.  Mike said it looked like we found the Easter Skunk and he egged us.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Birthday Alex!

Friday, April 3, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

Happy Birthday Alex!

Mike took the afternoon off to get some things done.  We have a lot of packing to get done this weekend.  We will be leaving Uvalde on Tuesday.  He did not get as much done as he was hoping, but he is still hurting.  Hopefully he will get feeling better soon.

I did get the Suburban cleaned.  It was getting very dirty!

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Saying Good-bye

Thursday, April 2, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

Thomas and Patricia left this afternoon around 1:00pm.  We have really enjoyed our winter here with them.  I am sure we will be seeing them this summer when we get back up to northern Indiana.  :)

Since we have used up most of our data plan this month, I have been working at the library in the afternoons to save our bits.  :)  On my drive into town I have noticed the local police stay very busy escorting over size loads through the town.  Highway 90 is a very busy road!

This afternoon Mike ran into town before the bank closed to take a picture of his favorite piece.

He also took a close up of the saying at the bottom.

When I run the saying through the translator it translates as: 
Wings wings by mountain and valley.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Group Lunch

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

Today is the last day Thomas and Patricia will be here.  They are leaving tomorrow.  So the crew at the fish hatchery took us all out to lunch to Patricia's favorite restaurant, Napoli's.  The food and service are good.  We had a really nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

Move Cats

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

Today they moved the catfish from an unlined pond to a lined pond.  The fish will be spawning soon and they want the young to re-populate another pond after the fishing derby later this summer.  :)  Mike, Rick and Thomas were in the kettle catching the fish and placing them in the basket, so the catfish could be put in the transfer truck.

Patricia was running the basket and Katherine was taking pictures and documenting the fish count.  They did end up moving 185 catfish.
That evening as we were walking by the Gator when Gracie hopped in.  She wanted to go for a ride.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Visit San Antonio

Sunday, March 29, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

After Mass this morning we headed for San Antonio.  We have wanted to several times this winter and now we have finally made it. We headed straight to the Alamo.  We took the tour and really enjoyed it.

After the tour we headed for the river walk.  It is just across the street from the Alamo.  We walked along the river walk and found a restaurant to have dinner at.

We ate at County Line.  We shared a combo plate of beef and pork ribs.  It was very good, but we both agreed that the pork ribs were better.  Before we were seated we had a drink at the bar and the bartender took our picture.  :)
We were lucky enough to get a table next to the river.  It was very nice.

It was another wonderful day!

Wild Hog Festival

Saturday, March 28, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

While we were walking Gracie this morning we decided we would get the camera and the Gator to get a picture of all of the different wild flowers blooming here at the Fish Hatchery.  I am sure we missed some, but here they are:

 The only flowers I know are the Blue Bonnets in the first picture.  They are the state flower of Texas.  :)

We had a few errands to run in Uvalde, then we headed for Sabinal, TX to watch a Wild Hog catching contest.  It sounded like fun, so we just had to go and check it out.  :)  Once we arrived in Sabinal we stopped by the Brown's Deli and Gifts for some lunch and ice cream.  It was all about the name.  :)

The food and service were really good.

We finally made it to the Wild Hog Festival.  We did not have much time to walk around, so we headed right over to the Wild Hog Contest.  Up first was the little kids.  They just caught the pig and got a ribbon.  They released several pigs and the kids run around.  The kids seemed to have a really good time.

For the older kids and adults they would go out as a 2 person team and they would release a single hog for them to catch.  Whoever caught the hog in the fastest time in the age group was the winner.

There was even a couple of women from the Philippines.  It was a lot of fun!

It way another wonderful day!