Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dinner Out

Saturday, April 4, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

It was Mike’s weekend to take care of the fish, so Gracie was able to get another Gator ride today.  She has gotten so she really enjoys riding on the Gator!  :)

I was able to get the inside of the trailer all cleaned up, the inside of the Suburban organized and the grill cleaned.  Mike finished packing up his stuff in the shop.  Around 5:30 we got cleaned up and headed into town to eat dinner at Oasis Outback.  It is a store similar to a Bass Pro Shop, but it has a very nice restaurant inside also.

Inside the store there were animals all over even a helicopter.  :)

Then we realized there was giraffe watching us eat.  :)  So we just had to take a picture of him.

Tonight their special was all you can eat pork ribs.  It came with the salad bar, which could have been a meal all by itself. And a side dish.  It was a very good meal.

We both got a few more things done when we got back from dinner.  It was getting late and I told Mike I would take Gracie for her walk while he finished up in the shop.  He usually comes with me and then holds Gracie’s leash while I clean up after she does her business.  Since he was not with me, I just put the leash under my arm.  Gracie saw something and pulled the leash away from me.  She did not go very far, she does not like the leash coming after her.  When I got caught up with her, I saw 2 black objects.  I knew the one attached to the leash was Gracie and I thought the other was a cat.  I could not have been more wrong!  When I went to pick up the leash I bent down right through skunk spray!  Gracie had just gotten sprayed!

When we were walking back Mike had heard the commotion, so he was coming to check it out.  I told him not to get to close, but he was not down wind, so he did not smell it yet.  I told him I thought I got some spray on me also, and when we turned the corner he was now downwind of me and he agreed with me!

We got back to the shop and Gracie and I got into the shower.  I was really happy we did not have to use the shower in our home!  I think Gracie’s collar got the brunt of it.  Mike said it looked like we found the Easter Skunk and he egged us.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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