Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Lost Maples State Natural Area

Sunday, March 22, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

Today after Mass we went to Lost Maples State Natural Area.   On our way up we stopped by to read the couple of Historical Markers that were along the way.  Over the years we have always seen them, but never took the time to stop and read them.  Well we have decided if we are just out site seeing, then we are going to take the time to stop and read them.  We have read several while we have been in the area.  According to The Historical Marker Database site there are 2908 markers in the state of Texas.  I don't think we will ever get them all read.  :)

Once at Lost Maples State Natural Area we stopped at the visitors center to find out which trails would be the best ones to take.  We decided to take the East Trail, which would give us the best views and be about 5 miles long.  According to the ranger there were going to be some steep climbs.  :)

 It was beautiful day and the trail did not start to bad.  :)  Our first stop was Monkey Rock!

After passing primitive campsite A we got to the steep part!  And boy oh boy was it steep.  We ended up needing to make 2 stops to rest for a couple of minutes before continuing on.  :)

We finally made it to the top and the views were beautiful!

We continued on down the trail and finally made our way back down to the valley.  At the bottom there was a swimming hole, which Gracie just had to go swimming in.  :)

It was a very nice hike and we were very tired when we got back to the car.  On our way out we stopped to take a picture of the sign.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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