Friday, April 10, 2015

Saying Good-bye

Thursday, April 2, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

Thomas and Patricia left this afternoon around 1:00pm.  We have really enjoyed our winter here with them.  I am sure we will be seeing them this summer when we get back up to northern Indiana.  :)

Since we have used up most of our data plan this month, I have been working at the library in the afternoons to save our bits.  :)  On my drive into town I have noticed the local police stay very busy escorting over size loads through the town.  Highway 90 is a very busy road!

This afternoon Mike ran into town before the bank closed to take a picture of his favorite piece.

He also took a close up of the saying at the bottom.

When I run the saying through the translator it translates as: 
Wings wings by mountain and valley.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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