Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Move to Sevierville

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - Sevierville, TN

I cannot believe it, but we forgot to take a picture at our campsite in Fort Payne, AL.  It was a very nice little campground, but it was very muddy since we had all that rain last night.

Today we had short drive to Sevierville.  We pulled into River Plantation around 2:00pm.  This is a very large campground, but very nice.

Once we got all set up Mike wanted to check on the motorcycles, which is what he does each time we stop...  Bad news!  The FJ fell over.  The grab bar that Mike used to strap the bike to broke and allowed the strap to come off the bike.  It is hard to see from the picture below.

 When it fell over it damaged the bike and the inside wall of the trailer.  :(

We were just glad it did not go all the way through the wall.  At least the weather is beautiful today!

After being upset about the bide and trailer we headed down the street to O'Charley's for dinner.  It was very good.

It was another wonderful day!

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