Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Rainy Ride

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

I called the service center this morning and they will be able get to it tomorrow.  When Mike got home from work we headed for the service center.  Really hoping this is a better place then the one up in Granger.  And of course it was raining.  At least it was a warm rain. :)

We shall see what it is going to take to repair the Suburban. 

It was another wonderful day!

Gas Leak

Monday, September 28, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning when I went out to take Gracie for her walk, I could smell gasoline very strong.  I looked around, but did not figure out where it was coming from.  When I got back from the walk and I walked by the Suburban I smelled it the strongest, so I looked underneath it and there was fuel dripping from the area of the tank.  Bad news!   I will be calling in the service center in the morning.

It was another wonderful day! 

Lazy Day

Sunday, September 27, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we went to 10:00am Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  We thought it was supposed to be a nice day today, but as we were leaving for church it was raining.  It did not look much better on our way home from church, so we decided to try the park on another day.

This afternoon it cleared up a little, so Mike pulled out a couple of airplanes and went to the flying field across the street to do some flying.  :)  When we got to the field I took these pictures.

The buildings off to the left are part of the campground.  It really is that close.

Mike had a nice time flying.  But anytime he comes back with all of the airplanes he took looking like they did when he started, then it is a good time.  :)

After flying we went for a walk.  I was hoping to go on a trail, but when we got to the trails it was very muddy, so we just went for a walk along the road.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Quilt Hunting

Saturday, September 26, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

It was once again a very cloudy day.  According to the weather they said it was a 70% chance of rain, so we once again decided to forgo going to the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Park.  Instead we headed for Elizabethtown to try to find a new quilt for our bed.  We have been sort of looking for a couple of months. 

We went to several stores and found one that we thought would be ok at Kohl's, but it still is not it.  We did not think it would be that hard to find a quilt that we liked...  :)  We did buy a new blanket.  The white blanket we currently have on our bed has several stains from Gracie's dirty feet and it does not really fit the bed and is not very warm.  I think it is for a queen size bed and we have a king size.  The new blanket looks real nice!

We are planning on going to Nashville next Friday, so we thought we would try again next weekend.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Cool Rainy Day

Friday, September 25, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

The original plan for today was to go to Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park.  But it rained most of the day and the temperature never got above 69.  So for most of the day we sat around and relaxed.  Finally we ran into town to run by Lowe's so Mike could pick up shelving for the garage.  While we were there I picked up a very pretty mum to put in my flower pot.

We have needed the little shelf above his toolbox for the wifi ranger.  It turned out looking real nice.  The 4 shelf unit will need to come down whenever we move, but it gets things up off the floor while we are sitting.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Silly Gracie

Thursday, September 24, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Today while I was working at my computer I looked outside and saw Gracie chilling.  :)

Mike has completed his first week at Amazon.  Last year they had 2 weeks of work hardening.  This year they only have 1 week.  What they call work hardening is only working 5 hour days instead of 10 hour days.  I think he is ready for a full week already.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Corn Maze

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

The Green River State Park has a corn maze every year and this year is no different.  This year the design is the FFA emblem. 

For some reason this picture will not import correctly, so it is the wrong direction.  :)  But it shows what the trail looks like.

This evening Mike and I and Gracie walked it.  It is very nice and I know we will walk it a couple more times just because.  :)

It was another wonder day!

First Day Back at Amazon

Monday, September 21, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was Mike's first day back at Amazon.  Another season at Amazon Campbellsville.  Today he had safety training all day.  Here is the picture that was posted on Facebook.  :)

Mike is in the second row with the bright green shirt on.

We think his schedule will be Monday through Thursday from 6:30am to 5:00pm.  I will be able to work the same schedule, so we will both have 3 day weekends.  Well at least for now, until Mike starts working overtime.  He is also working outbound instead of inbound.  Inbound last year got more overtime. With all of the construction here, he is hoping they will move him to inbound to help fill the building.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Travel to Campbellsville

Sunday, September 20, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning Mike showed Jess how to caulk the tub while I packed up all of our stuff.  Around 8:30am we finally said our "good-bye"'s and headed home.  We got to Charleston, WV when Mike hit the brakes due to traffic ahead of us slowing down.  Big Problem!  The brake light came on and the brakes were not working any more.  The next exit was a few miles down the road, so we carefully drove to the exit and we were fortunate that there was an Advance Auto right off the exit.

Mike and the guy from Advanced Auto climbed under the back of the Suburban to figure out what was wrong with the brakes.
They found that the brake line had failed. 

The bad thing is that we had the brakes worked on back in August.  The issue we had with the service center continue.  The problem is this one could have ended really bad.  We are thanking God that it did not.  Mike will be calling the Service Center next week!

We finally got home safe and sound around 10:00pm.  Several hours later then we had planned.

It was another wonderful day!

Garage Sale

Saturday, September 19, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Today was the day for the garage sale.  Jess had a lot to sell.

The first thing to go was the electric truck.  It did not start out very busy, but by the time the day was over she had sold a lot of things.  I was surprised more of the little kids riding toys did not go.

Ami spent a lot of the day up on the porch playing.

After dinner we worked on getting everything put away.  The items that did not sell she put away.  She is planning on having one more garage sale before moving.  We were all very tired after it was all said and done.  :)

While Jess and I were busy with the garage sale Mike was busy finishing installing the tub surround.

It was another wonderful day!

Prepare for Garage Sale

Friday, September 18, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Jess did not work today, so she spent the day pulling out more items out for the garage sale tomorrow.  This evening we priced everything.  Then we moved as much as possible to the porch to make it easier to set up in the morning.  Jess posted that the garage sale would start at 8:00am.

By the time it was bedtime Ami was worn out.  I could not even keep her awake while I was giving her a bath.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Avander's Birthday

Thursday, September 17, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Today is Avander's 3rd Birthday!  Jess asked him where he wanted to go to dinner and he stated he wanted to go to the chocolate fountain (Golden Corral).  Once Jess got home from work we took some pictures of the items she is going to sell in the yard sale.  Once the pictures were taken we packed up and headed for Golden Corral for dinner.  It was a nice dinner.

After dinner Mike and I took Avander to Toys-R-Us, so he could pick out his birthday present.  Avander had a great time wondering through the store pushing lots of buttons.  He is his grandma's grandson.  :)

He ended up picking out a microwave oven.  We figure he is going to be our master chef!  :)

When we got back to the house Jess and I started pricing some of the items and got the ad posted on Craig's list.

It was another wonderful day!

Work Day

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Mike worked on the bathroom today and figured out what all he needed to get the job done.  When Jess got home from work today I talked to her about having her garage sale on Saturday.  The weather on Saturday is supposed to be a nice day, so she thought it would be a good idea.  We spent the rest of the evening pulling things out and figuring out what she was going to sell.  This is the hard part.

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Travel to Norfolk

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

This morning we took our time getting ready to head for Norfolk.  We did not want to run into rush hour traffic as soon as we arrived in the Norfolk area, so the plan was to leave by 10:00am.  We actually left the trailer at about 10:00am, but we had to turn around after driving just a couple of miles to pick up the GPS.  We headed out again and had to turn around once more to get the EZ-Pass.  Finally on the way to Advanced Auto to pick up the alternator, but they did not have the correct part.  They called around and found one at Auto Zone.  We had to back track a little ways to pick up the alternator.  This is for just in case it goes out on our way.  I think Mike is planning on changing it once we get there either way.

We finally arrived at Jess's around 10:00pm.  It was a long trip, but we made it safe and sound.

It was another wonderful day!

Mike Returns

Monday, September 14, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

It was a nice day today and the best part was Mike got home.  :)  He said he had a really good time.  He also said that he should be getting pictures from the other guys.  We will see.  If he does give me any I will post them ;)

This evening Jess called to ask Mike about putting up her tub surround.  As the conversation went on we decided since Mike would not be starting work at Amazon until Monday and Thursday is going to be Avander's 3rd birthday, we would head for Norfolk in the morning.

We ran into town to get something to eat, but as we got in the Suburban it was making a funny noise.  Mike checked it and thinks it is the alternator is going out.  So we stopped by Advanced Auto to have them check it out.  Mike says we will pick up an alternator on the way out of town in the morning.

It was another wonderful day!

Lodge Trail

Sunday, September 13, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

It was a beautiful day today, so I decided it would be a good day to take Gracie for a walk over at the state park.  Today we walked the Lodge Trail.  We met several people riding horses along the way.  I would say we saw at least 30.  It was a very nice walk and by the time we got back we had walked a total of about 4.5 miles.  :)

Mike called this evening to let me know he would be home tomorrow.  The ride had gone well and everyone would be heading out in the morning.  :)

It was another wonderful day.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rainy Day

Saturday, September, 12, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

It rained off and on most of the day today, so Gracie and I spent most of the day in the trailer.  I cleaned up the trailer and around 4:30pm headed for Our Lady of the Hills for 5:00pm Mass.  This is a very nice church and we felt very welcome here last year.  The priest did say when time changes that Mass will be starting at 4:00pm.  If this happens and Mike works on Saturday, we will not be able to attend this church.  We will need to attend one of the other 2 Catholic churches.  :)

Mike did call this evening to let me know they got rained on most of the day, but were having a great ride.  Hopefully he will have more pictures this year.  :)

It was another wonderful day.

Foggy Day

Thursday, September, 10, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning it was very foggy out, so Gracie and I did not go on our normal long walk.  Since this morning was short walk this afternoon we did go over to Green River State Park and walk one of the shorter trails.  We walked about 2 miles.  :)

This evening Mike called around 9:30pm to let me know here was now in .... and everyone arrived safe and sound.  They are planning on riding down to Wythville, VA tomorrow.

It was another wonderful day.

Mike Heads for Norfolk

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Mike headed out at about 5:00am.  He was hoping to make it to Norfolk in time to pick the boys up from school.  But with traffic and rain he was not able to make it in time.  He did arrive safe and sound.

Gracie and I are on our own this week.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Campbellsville

Monday, September 7, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Today we took our time getting ready to go.  We only had about 40 miles to drive.  It was nice having such a short drive.  We arrived around 2:00pm.  Mike will start working for Amazon on September 21, which is a week later than planned.  The Amazon Fulfillment Center is under construction, so his start date was delayed one week.
Once we got all set up Mike started packing.  He is headed for Norfolk in the morning.  This weekend is his Wireman ride and they are meeting up near Richmond, VA, so he thought he would leave early and spend a couple of days with Jess and the kids.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Another day on the Lake

Sunday, September 6, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

This morning we went to 11:00am Mass at Holy Spirit in Jamestown, KY.  On our way back we noticed my Dad's old boat sitting on the lot at Unlimited Marine.
It is looking a little ruff and the tires were all flat, but there it sits.  Lots of good times in that boat.  :)

We got back and packed up and headed out to the lake.  Gracie found her spot.  :)

We headed for little falls and found it very crowded.  So we did not stay.  I tried to get a picture of the falls, but we could not get close enough.
As we were running around I noticed this was not a normal boat ride.  There was something missing...
No tubes behind us.  The water here was very nice.

It was another wonderful day!

Day out on the Lake

Saturday, September 5, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Today we got our lunch packed up and headed out to the lake.  :)

It was a beautiful day and we had a really nice time.  :)  Even Gracie enjoyed it.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Russell Springs

Friday, September 4, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

This morning we were up early.  We have a long drive down to Russell Springs.  We were able to pull out around 10:00am.  As we were going down the highway I noticed the antenna was not all the way down.  I radioed up to Mike to let him know we needed to pull over so we could get the antenna down.

The rest of the drive was uneventful.  :)   We arrived at the KOA in Russell Springs around 3:00pm.  As expected it was a long drive.  Lots of nice shade. 

After getting all set up we decided we would go out to dinner at the lodge at Lake Cumberland State Park.  We have not been there for a long time and their buffet is really good. 

Our view from our table.  The lake looks really nice and I am looking forward to going out tomorrow.

After dinner we ran by the storage shed and picked up the boat.  Then on the grocery store.  We were very low on groceries.  It has been a couple weeks since the last time we went.

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner at Patsy's

Thursday, September 3, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

This evening we went to Patsy's for dinner.  Mom and Dad, Sue, John and Kim, and John, Christa and Caroline all came to dinner also.  Patsy fixed a great dinner.  After dinner we played Qwirkle.  It is a great game.  :)

We will be headed out tomorrow, so we called it a night early.

It was another wonderful day!

Cousin's Dinner

Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

Tonight was cousin's dinner at Castleton Grill.  Mike and I meet up with Mom and Dad, Patsy and Rick, Aunt Martha, Uncle Paul, Jeff and Jane.  We had a really nice time!
After dinner Mike and I headed over to George and Mary Ann's to hang out for a while.  While we were there I was able to meet Abby.  She is just adorable!

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner Out

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

Jess had a really bad start to her day!  She sent me a text message with this picture:
The front 2 cars are Jess's.  Her cars were parked out front her house.  We are guessing the lady driving the car was a distracted driver.  After she hit the cars she got her baby out of the car and ran.  The problem was the 4 month old baby was not strapped in.  The police did catch up with her, arrested her and took her baby to the hospital.  Hopefully the baby will be fine.

This evening we went out to dinner with Patsy and Rick, and Sue, John and Kim at Alibi's  We had a really nice dinner and after dinner we headed over to Patsy's for a while. 

It was another wonderful day!

Move to Indianapolis

Monday, August 31, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

Whenever we are going to be traveling Mike will check the tire pressure and lug nuts on all tires.  Today was no different, except when he got to the Suburban.  A lug nut was missing!  Really!  I hopped in the Suburban and headed over to the service center.  Evidently the service tech broke one of the lug nuts...not sure how, but it was broken and the tech forgot to tell the service manager.  So he ran over to Auto Zone to pick up a new lug nut.  Of course it does not match the other ones, so he will be ordering a new set of lug nuts for us.  We have taken our vehicles to this service center for years, but I am not sure we will be going back!

We were finally on our way.  The drive down to Indianapolis was uneventful, which is the way I like it.  :)

After we got set up, I worked a couple of hours and we took Gracie for a walk we headed over to my Mom and Dad's for dinner.  My Mom made a wonderful dinner.  After dinner we played Qwirkle with Mom and Dad and Alyssa.  We had a really nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Cleaning Day

Sunday, August 30, 2015 - South Bend, IN

We were up early this morning and went to St. Dominic's for 8:00am Mass.  After Mass Mary Ann and Phil invited us to go to breakfast with us, but we let them know we had to meet up with Tony for a couple of minutes to get a couple of things from him.  After our "see you later" and hugs with Tony we headed to Tony's Restaurant in Bremen to meet Mary Ann and Phil.

We had a nice breakfast and good conversation.  We eventually got back to the trailer and started cleaning up and getting things packed up.  We are leaving tomorrow for Indianapolis.  I like to clean the inside of the trailer and the grill just before leaving and we always need to put all of the things we pull out back in their spots.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Tony's Place

Saturday, August 29, 2015 - South Bend, IN

We were up early this morning and headed for Tony's place.  It was supposed to rain today and we wanted to get the soffit on his garage done today.  We arrived around 10:00am and it was raining, so we all went to Home Depot to pick up some items Tony needed.  We spent a lot of time there.  :)  We also stopped by Burger King to grab a bite for lunch.

When we got back to the house the rain had stopped and Mike, Tony and Alex went to work on the garage.  I painted the window frames in the living room.  It really looks nice now.  Once it started getting dark out Tony said they could finish up what was left on the garage tomorrow.  It was really coming together nicely.  Tony really wanted Mike to help him install one of the bedroom doors, so we headed upstairs and got one of the bedroom doors installed. 

After all of the house work was done for today we went over to Applebee's for dinner.  It has been absolutely wonderful seeing Tony every weekend we have been here.  :)  We will miss him.

Tomorrow we will be busy getting the trailer ready to move on Monday.

It was another wonderful day!

Department Meeting

Friday, August 28, 2015 - South Bend, IN

We ran the Suburban over to the service center as soon as we got up, so they could finish up the work and find out why the engine light was on.  We told them the Suburban had to be done at 11:00am, I was headed for La Porte again today.  Well when we got there they said it was ready and the engine light was on for the gas gauge.  That did not make much sense, since the gas gauge has not worked for a couple of years now.  They reset the error code and told us it was fixed, so we hopped in the car and headed out.  We did not even make it around the building when the engine light came back on.  I pulled back into the service bay and the service manger went and got the code reader.  He showed it to us, but we realized the gas gauge code was historical.  Imagine that!  The intermittent engine miss was the current code!

I needed to get going and I was not going to be taking the Suburban.  They gave me a car off the lot to "test drive".  Call it what you want I had a car to drive.

I got to La Porte just in time for our department celebration of all of our accomplishments for the past year.  :)  I had a really nice time catching up with all of my co-workers.  And they served a really nice lunch.

When I got back I went straight to the dealership figuring the Suburban would be done.  I was wrong.  They still did not know exactly what was wrong!  So I walked back to the campground, which was just behind the dealership.

Around 5:45pm they called to let us know the Suburban was done.  It turns out when the mechanic put the distributor back on he missed a tooth.  It is fixed and it looks like we will be able to leave on Monday as planned.

It was another wonderful day!