Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lazy Day

Sunday, September 27, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we went to 10:00am Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  We thought it was supposed to be a nice day today, but as we were leaving for church it was raining.  It did not look much better on our way home from church, so we decided to try the park on another day.

This afternoon it cleared up a little, so Mike pulled out a couple of airplanes and went to the flying field across the street to do some flying.  :)  When we got to the field I took these pictures.

The buildings off to the left are part of the campground.  It really is that close.

Mike had a nice time flying.  But anytime he comes back with all of the airplanes he took looking like they did when he started, then it is a good time.  :)

After flying we went for a walk.  I was hoping to go on a trail, but when we got to the trails it was very muddy, so we just went for a walk along the road.

It was another wonderful day!

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