Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Garage Sale

Saturday, September 19, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Today was the day for the garage sale.  Jess had a lot to sell.

The first thing to go was the electric truck.  It did not start out very busy, but by the time the day was over she had sold a lot of things.  I was surprised more of the little kids riding toys did not go.

Ami spent a lot of the day up on the porch playing.

After dinner we worked on getting everything put away.  The items that did not sell she put away.  She is planning on having one more garage sale before moving.  We were all very tired after it was all said and done.  :)

While Jess and I were busy with the garage sale Mike was busy finishing installing the tub surround.

It was another wonderful day!

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