Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tony's Place

Saturday, August 29, 2015 - South Bend, IN

We were up early this morning and headed for Tony's place.  It was supposed to rain today and we wanted to get the soffit on his garage done today.  We arrived around 10:00am and it was raining, so we all went to Home Depot to pick up some items Tony needed.  We spent a lot of time there.  :)  We also stopped by Burger King to grab a bite for lunch.

When we got back to the house the rain had stopped and Mike, Tony and Alex went to work on the garage.  I painted the window frames in the living room.  It really looks nice now.  Once it started getting dark out Tony said they could finish up what was left on the garage tomorrow.  It was really coming together nicely.  Tony really wanted Mike to help him install one of the bedroom doors, so we headed upstairs and got one of the bedroom doors installed. 

After all of the house work was done for today we went over to Applebee's for dinner.  It has been absolutely wonderful seeing Tony every weekend we have been here.  :)  We will miss him.

Tomorrow we will be busy getting the trailer ready to move on Monday.

It was another wonderful day!

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