Monday, September 21, 2015

Travel to Norfolk

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

This morning we took our time getting ready to head for Norfolk.  We did not want to run into rush hour traffic as soon as we arrived in the Norfolk area, so the plan was to leave by 10:00am.  We actually left the trailer at about 10:00am, but we had to turn around after driving just a couple of miles to pick up the GPS.  We headed out again and had to turn around once more to get the EZ-Pass.  Finally on the way to Advanced Auto to pick up the alternator, but they did not have the correct part.  They called around and found one at Auto Zone.  We had to back track a little ways to pick up the alternator.  This is for just in case it goes out on our way.  I think Mike is planning on changing it once we get there either way.

We finally arrived at Jess's around 10:00pm.  It was a long trip, but we made it safe and sound.

It was another wonderful day!

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