Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Travel to Campbellsville

Sunday, September 20, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning Mike showed Jess how to caulk the tub while I packed up all of our stuff.  Around 8:30am we finally said our "good-bye"'s and headed home.  We got to Charleston, WV when Mike hit the brakes due to traffic ahead of us slowing down.  Big Problem!  The brake light came on and the brakes were not working any more.  The next exit was a few miles down the road, so we carefully drove to the exit and we were fortunate that there was an Advance Auto right off the exit.

Mike and the guy from Advanced Auto climbed under the back of the Suburban to figure out what was wrong with the brakes.
They found that the brake line had failed. 

The bad thing is that we had the brakes worked on back in August.  The issue we had with the service center continue.  The problem is this one could have ended really bad.  We are thanking God that it did not.  Mike will be calling the Service Center next week!

We finally got home safe and sound around 10:00pm.  Several hours later then we had planned.

It was another wonderful day!

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