Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Avander's Birthday

Thursday, September 17, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Today is Avander's 3rd Birthday!  Jess asked him where he wanted to go to dinner and he stated he wanted to go to the chocolate fountain (Golden Corral).  Once Jess got home from work we took some pictures of the items she is going to sell in the yard sale.  Once the pictures were taken we packed up and headed for Golden Corral for dinner.  It was a nice dinner.

After dinner Mike and I took Avander to Toys-R-Us, so he could pick out his birthday present.  Avander had a great time wondering through the store pushing lots of buttons.  He is his grandma's grandson.  :)

He ended up picking out a microwave oven.  We figure he is going to be our master chef!  :)

When we got back to the house Jess and I started pricing some of the items and got the ad posted on Craig's list.

It was another wonderful day!

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