Thursday, June 25, 2015

Break Interstate Park

Sunday, June 21, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

Happy Father's Day!!

This morning we went to an earlier Mass at St. Anthony's in Norton, because we were planning on going to Breaks Interstate Park.  The park is about 1.5 hours from here.

We headed out, just before we got to the park there was a beautiful overlook.

We finally got to the park.
We stopped by the visitor center to find out the best trail to take.  They suggested the Geological and Ridge trails.  They gave us a pamphlet with information about each of the markers along the trail.  The total length of the trail was 1 mile.  It was a very nice trail.

One of the markers was for a cave.  We did not think the cave would be as deep as it was.  It also had that natural air conditioning.  :)

 Then we continued down the trail.
As we were walking we could hear thunder off in the distance.  We started walking a little faster to hope that we would make it back to the car before it started raining.  But I first took a picture of this flower.  We saw several of these flowers and I thought they were very beautiful.  :)
We made it back to the parking lot before the rain came, so I took a quick picture of the sign at the trail head.

We drove around the park just to check it out.  It is a very nice park!

On the way back we decided we would drive up to Birch Knob.  Mitch and Sandy told us you could see 5 states from this outlook.  When we got about 5 miles away we decided to turn around.  We knew today we would not be able to see much of anything.  It was getting foggy from all of the rain.  Since it was getting late we did not want to drive in the fog in the dark.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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