Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Trip to Norfolk

Friday, May 22, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Happy Birthday Jess!

This morning Mike and I got up early, so we could get on the road.  We wanted to be at Jess's before 3:00pm.  We were on the road by 6:45am.  Jess called earlier in the week to see if we were coming over this weekend and I had told her I would talk to Mike about it.  We had talked to Mike J. earlier in the week to let him know we were going to come and wanted to surprise Jess.  So when Jess called around 9:30 this morning I told her Mike was in town getting the oil changed on the Suburban.  While I was on the phone to her the phone started telling me about our next turn.  I started laughing because I was sure Jess could hear it and now knew we were on the way.  :)

We arrived in Norfolk around 3:15pm, not a bad trip.  Jess and Mike were both already home from work, but Jess and Avander had run down the street to pick up a couple of things at the store.  We parked around the corner just in case she really did not know. When she came home Avander opened the door first and Gracie ran outside to greet her.  She was very surprised!  :)  We pulled it off.  :)

Mike J. had ribs going on the grill for dinner.  After a wonderful dinner we did a little playing.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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