Monday, June 29, 2015

Part of Sign Up

Sunday, June 28, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

We got up early this morning so we could get at least the top 2 boards of the sign back up before 11:30am Mass.  Before heading for the church I took Gracie for a walk and took a couple of pictures of the trees that fell into the river.  The river is down a little bit from yesterday, but it is still up.

We made it to the church and got top 2 boards up.  They look really nice, if I do say so myself.  :)

At the end of Mass Fr. Tim announced that we have been busy working around the church.  Everyone thanked us for what we had done.  We let them know we still needed to finish the last board and thanked them for being so kind.  :)

After Mass we changed clothes and went to the basement to put the first coat of paint on the top of the wood letters.  Then we went outside and took the 2 boards back down to stain the backside of the boards.  When we were finished before getting back to the trailer we stopped by Dairy Queen for a quick bite to eat.  :)

We had to take Gracie for another walk, then we just relaxed for a while.  Mike worked on waxing the truck and it is looking really nice.  Before eating dinner we headed back to church to put a coat of paint on the back side of the wooden letters.

It was another wonderful day!

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