Thursday, June 25, 2015

Clean our rig

Saturday, June 20, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

On our morning walk it was raining and Mike and I both had umbrella.  Gracie was not happy about walking in the rain.  It started to rain harder and as we passed a big tree Gracie got up close to the trunk of the tree and sat down.  She just looked at us like if you want to walk in the rain that is fine, but I am waiting here until the rain stops.  :)  I had to tug on the leash to get her to come with us.  :)

Since it was a rainy day, so we thought it would be a good day to go out to breakfast, so we headed for That Flippin' Egg.  It is a nice little restaurant. 

When we got back I got busy cleaning the inside of the trailer, while Mike cleaned the outside.  The rain did all of the rinsing.  :)  The trailer looks real nice now!

It was another wonderful day!

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