Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sign at Church

Friday, June 26, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

Just before dinner Mike mentioned he wanted to go over to church this evening and start repainting the sign at church.  So after dinner we headed for Sacred Heart to take to the letters off the sign and get the first coat of paint on as much as possible before dark.  I did not think about taking a before picture of the sign until after we had the top two boards already off and I had started staining them.  :)

While we were working Gracie was tied up over by the Suburban and finally got bored with us and climbed into the Suburban and into her bed.  :)

About 30 minutes after we finished up on the sign it started to rain.  The boards for the sign were under the roof above the benches I was painting on, but the sign posts were not.  We are just hoping the had enough time to dry.

It was another wonderful day!

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