Sunday, June 7, 2015

Devil's Bathtub

Saturday, May 30, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today we decided we would try to find the trail head for Devil's Bathtub, then hike the 2 miles down the trail to see it.  It is on the other side of High Knob.  The road going up and over the mountain has lots of turns, then once over the top the road becomes a gravel road and is about 1 to 1.5 lanes wide.  Exciting!  :)  The directions said to turn at the abandoned white house.  I thought it would be hard to identify since we passed several abandoned houses, but right next to the house is a big sign that points to the parking area for Devil's Bathtub.  The website also stated the parking lot fills up fast.  It is not a very big park area, so it does fill up fast.  And it is really not a lot, it is more like a large clearing in the woods.  :)  It was full, so we had to park a little further up the lane.

The website also stated the trail is extremely challenging.  In our opinion the only part that could be considered challenging is at the 8 - 10 river crossings.  And of course the very first river crossing I slipped and got my foot wet.  :)

The trail was very nice and it was not a bad hike up to the Devil's Bathtub.  Very beautiful!

Just before you get to the Devil's Bathtub you come to a very nice swimming hole.  There were several people swimming.  The water is very cold!  We were not dressed for swimming, so we passed.  :)

Just up the trail about 100 yards we finally made it up to the Devil's Bathtub.

It is a hole in the rock that the water has dug out that is about 10 feet deep.  Several people were jumping into it, but they were getting out just as fast.  :)  The picture is very blurry.

Unfortunately Mike was moving around to try to get the best vantage point to take a picture and he fell and broke the camera.  :(  I guess we will be buying another new camera.

It was another wonderful day!

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