Saturday, June 27, 2015

Paint Letters

Saturday, June 27, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

The letters on the top 2 boards are metal, but the bottom board are wood and they are in bad shape.  We ran up to Wise to Lowe's to see if they had 6" wood letters.  The had nice metal numbers, but did not have any letters.  The gentleman told us to try either Wal-Mart or Magic Mart.  We tried both.  Wal-Mart had fiber board letters, but we did not think they would hold up to the weather, so we did not get them.  We decided we would just make the existing letters work.

Once we got back to Big Stone Gap we stopped by Dari Delite for lunch.  Mike had a chef salad and I had crispy chicken salad.  Both were very good.

Since it was raining and supposed to rain all day, we called Fr. Tim to ask if we could paint the letters in the basement of the church.  He told us it would be fine, so we headed for the church.  By the time we got to the church the rain had stopped for a short period of time and we brought all of the letters and boards inside.  The wood letters were to wet to paint, but the metal letters we got sanded and the first coat of paint on.  We did sand the wood letters.

I put a second coat of stain the boards, then we headed home to take Gracie for a walk and eat dinner.  While walking Gracie I walked down by the river and it is really up due to all of the rain we have had today.  Part of the bank on the river has been washed away and a couple of trees have fallen over.  The level of the river is almost up to the bridge.

After dinner we headed back to the church, so we could get a second coat on the metal letters.  I really want to get at the least the top two boards back up in the morning before Mass at 11:30am.  The letters and the boards are really looking good.

It is going to be an early morning tomorrow.

It was another wonderful day!

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