Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Family Olympics

Sunday, May 30, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mike and I were up early this morning.  He needed to be at the airport by 8:00am ET.  Right after I dropped him off I stopped by the trailer one more time to let Gracie out for a minute, then I headed over Tony's.  We all loaded up and headed for Indy.

We arrived around 1:15pm ET.  We arrived to find a group out back relaxing before the games. 

While others were gathered out front.

And Ami was hanging out in the garage.

The Family Olympics was due to start anytime, so we helped with set up.  Soon it was time for the games to start.  Patsy went through all of the events with everyone, then the games began.  :)  The games included:

1. Corn Hole - each person would throw 8 bags and write down the score they received.  I got a 1. 

Ok, so maybe Caroline did not get the point of throwing the bean bags.  :)

2. Jelly Bean Transfer - using a spoon in your mouth you move as many jelly beans from 1 bowl to another as you can in 1 minute.  I thought I did a good job until I heard how many other people moved.  Aunt Patty was the time keeper.

3. Marshmallow Transfer - with a straw you transfer as many marshmallows from 1 bowl to another as you can in 1 minute.  Once again I thought I did a good job.  :)  Mom was the time keeper.

4. Water Guns - using a water gun you knock off as many solo cups off a table as you can in 1 minute.  Ok, this one I did not think I did well at and I didn't.  :)

Rick was the time keeper for this one.

5. Yard Darts - using 8 yard darts you scored got is many in the circle as possible.  I am not very good at this one. 

6.  Hillbilly Golf - also known as Ladder golf.  I actually did better at this than I thought I would, but still not enough to get me in the running.

7.  Washer Toss - this is throwing very large washers (and not the machine kind)  :)  at the target to score as many points as possible.  I almost forgot about this game, it was the only one in the back yard.  And to top it off I did not get any pictures of anyone playing it.  :(

8.  Hula Hoops - you need to pick up a ball between your knees in one hula hoop and carry it down to the other hula hoop.  Count the number of time you go back and forth and that is your score.

9.  Bucket Toss - this is based off the bucket toss game from the Bozo show, but we only had one bucket.  You had 15 balls to toss into the bucket and for each one that made it in you got a point.  I only got 1 point. 
It was a lot of fun and Patsy did a great job of organizing the games again this year!  Thanks Patsy!

While the scores were being tallied we ate dinner.  Patsy had made BBQ pork and her famous cheese dipping sauce the Tony really likes.  Plus some additional sides.

And before the announcement the prize winners we took time to sing "Happy Birthday" to Mom.

It was finally time to announce the winner and loser of the day.  The person to get the lowest score was Alyssa.

And the winner of the day was Johnny!

Now it was time to clean up and say our "Good-Bye"'s. 

It was another wonderful day!

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