Saturday, June 11, 2016

Trusses Up

Sunday, June 5, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

We were at it again today.  Today we were hoping to get all of the trusses put up.  Just like yesterday getting the first truss up was by far the hardest and we were very glad Jess and Mike J were around to help. 
After we got that one up, Jess and Mike J had to leave.  Shortly after they left Miranda and I headed to the store to pick up a couple of things the guys needed.  As we were pulling out of the drive it looked like Tony was bleeding, but we did not think to much about it until we got back and no one was outside.  We found both Tony and Mike in the house cleaning up Tony's thumb.  He was holding the back of the board he was nailing and put the nail through his thumb with the nailer.  Ouch!  You can't really see it, but the nail goes about 1" past the edge of the board. 
Tony did give me a hard time about the fact that I was going to put this in the blog.  He said I never put anything in about dumb things that happen to me.  I am not sure that is true, but I still put it in about him.  :)

The other trusses went up easier than the first.  And eventually we got them all up.

Once the trusses were all up we moved the rest of the building materials to the garage.  Then Mike and I needed to get back to the trailer, so Mike could get packed.  I need to have him to the airport by 5:30am ET tomorrow morning.

It was another wonderful day!

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