Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Work at Tony's

Sunday, May 22, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

This morning Mike and I went to St. Dominic's for Mass.  Today was the awards Mass for the Sunday School children.  Fortunately Cathy and Brian let us know or we would have been late for Mass.  After Mass they had breakfast in the hall.  It was very nice catching up.  We did find out that Fr. Bob will be leaving in June.  We will miss him.

We eventually made our way over to Tony's house.  Jess and the kids had already gone to Chicago to be with Mike J. for the day.  Miranda had headed for work about 15 minutes before we got there, so it was just the 3 of us.  :)

I worked on catching up on the blog.  It was nice having fast internet to upload pictures.  While Mike and Tony worked on cutting the stair stringers for Tony's steps.

We had hamburgers out on the grill for dinner.  I have not had that in a long time and it was really good.

It was another wonderful day!

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