Saturday, July 30, 2016

Mount Rushmore

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 – Rapid City, SD

Today I had to work and Mike did a little work also, then he took a nap.  :)  Jess, Mike J and the kids did some more exploring.  Since Mount Rushmore is open until 11:30pm we decided that after I got done working we would go check it out.  :)  

I tried to take a selfie of Mike and I with Mount Rushmore in the background, but I was not having any luck, so Jess took our picture and Alex decided to join us. 
And a great photo op.
Last time we were here was when Jess did her vet tech internship in Milesville, SD in 2010.  When we were here there was still snow on the trail that went up close to the monument, so it was closed.   It was not closed today, so we were able to take the trail.  

This picture is looking back at the observation area.
Ami had a great time and I got some great pictures.  :)  She walked almost the entire trail.
I think the boys had a good time also.
This is the museum at the end of the trail.
This is a model of what the statues were going to look like if they had finished the project, but the government quit funding it.
When we left the museum the sun was starting to set behind the monument.  It looked really cool.
It was time to start heading back but not before getting a couple more pictures of the boys.

And as we continued up the trail the monument looked really cool with the sun off to the side.  We just had to take another picture.
Eventually we made it back to the entrance and while we waited for everyone to arrive we took a few more pictures.  :)

And Jess took a selfie of her and Avander.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Rapid City, SD

Monday, July 11, 2016 – Rapid City, SD

It was another short travel day, only about 1.25 hours.  Now that is what I call a really short travel day, but unfortunately it is also a work day for me.  It has been nice that Jess has been around to do the driving while I work.  It means I don’t have to take time off for the travel time.  :)

We checked into the Rapid City RV Park and Campground.
And this is our view.
Jess, Mike J and kids went exploring while Mike and I worked.  Since Mike now has a real job he has to get some work done too.  :)
After dinner we were sitting at the picnic table watching the beautiful sunset.  The pictures don’t do it justice.

It was another wonderful day!

Visit to the Badlands

Sunday, July 10, 2016 – Wall, SD

This morning we headed straight for the Badlands National Park.  Then of course we had to have our picture next to the sign.  I try not to forget.
We drove by an overlook to see this:

Then we drove to a trailhead and hiked a trail.  The first part of the trail was along a boardwalk.

The views are awesome!  The kids had a great time climbing on the rocks.  Even the big kids enjoyed it.  :)  (There are lots of pictures!)

It just seemed like every turn we made it was time for another picture.  :)  Before leaving the area we got a couple of pictures of couples.

With it being so hot even a short hike seemed long, but Jess and I still had a smile on our faces.  :)
We finally made it to the southern visitor center and had some lunch. 
Ami did a great job hiking and was very tired.  She had a nice nap while we ate lunch.  :)
Did I mention it was hot out?  Jess took a picture of the temperature gauge in the Suburban just to show how hot it was.
Now it was time for another hike.  At the beginning of the trail I saw this rabbit just off the boardwalk.
The views on this hike were also awesome.  I don't have any many pictures from this trail. :)

Mike J took this beautiful panoramic view.
I have a few more hiking pictures.

When we got back close to the parking lot Alex laid down on the boardwalk.  He was worn out! 
Close to the parking lot was this unusual rock formation and we just had to take a picture of it.
It was another wonderful day!