Sunday, July 10, 2016

Titan Missile Museum

Sunday, June 12, 2016 - Tucson, AZ

This morning we got up packed up our stuff had breakfast at the hotel, then headed for Mass.  We went to Sacred Heart Church in Nogales.  It is a very nice church and every other Mass is in English.  I am sure the Spanish Masses are more crowded.  :)

After Mass we headed north toward Tucson.  My flight leaves early in the morning, so we will be staying up there tonight.  On our way we stopped by the Titan Missile Museum. 

This site is the actual site for the Titan II Missile used during the Cold War.  You are taken for a tour down into the command center where they explained what life was like for the soldiers that worked here.  And what would happen if the call would have ever come to launch the missile. 

Then we walked through the hall that took us to the actual missile.  It was a very interesting tour. 

After the tour was over we were allowed to walk around outside as much as we wanted.  They had the cover on the missile rolled back a little and a glass cover over it so you could see down from up top.

There were also a lot of other things up to to check out.  :)

We really enjoyed the museum and we were real glad we stopped.

This evening for dinner I looked at the recommended places on the pamphlet that was in our room and we decided on Mi Nidita, a Mexican restaurant in Tucson.  There was a 45 minute wait, but we were not in a hurry.  It was very good.  A place we may go to several more times once we are here for an extended period of time.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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