Friday, July 29, 2016

Travel to Wall, SD

Saturday, July 9, 2016 – Wall, SD

It was a short travel day today.  We only had about 2 hours to drive.  The thread on the slide topper on the bedroom slide has given away and is no longer connected on about 3/4 of the slide.  This is something we will need to get fixed as soon as possible.  In the meantime we used Gorilla tape to keep it from flapping as we drive down the road.  It will also allow us to bring the slide out if we need to.  :)
While packing up Ami was very interested in the water coming out of the spigot.
We did make a stop for gas and came upon these dinosaurs and we just had to take pictures.

And these ones.  :)

We made it to the Sleepy Hollow RV Park in Wall, SD before noon.  Just in time to have lunch at Wall Drug.  Then we explored Wall Drug.  I found the prefect wall decoration that I just had to take a picture of and send to my sisters.  :)
Ami found this tub that Papa put her in.
The kids sat around the old man and we took a picture.
Soon we went outside and they found how much fun a water fountain could be.

There was a covered wagon to climb on also.
When we got to the Jack-O-Lope we had to take pictures.  :)

We also found a covered wagon ride that the kids really had a good time on.  I just Ami's expressions.  :)

Then we went back inside to see the T-Rex.  Ami was not sure what to think.

It was really hot outside today, so we went back outside to play in the water a little more.

 We finally headed back to the trailer, but not before taking a picture of the Wall Drug sign.
When we got back to the trailer I took a quick picture of our site at the campground.  It is a nice campground and we have a very long site.
After a quick baby change we headed out and went to Badlands National Park.  We stopped at the first scenic overlook and went for a short hike.  But for a short hike we sure did get a lot of pictures.

Then Mike J took this panoramic picture.  You can see the rain off in the distance.
We drove down the road a little further then we saw the prairie dogs.  There was one that came real close.  Actually to close for comfort with the little ones.

Then we saw a couple of other animals.
Then we saw a buffalo and he did not look like he liked us being there.  :)

He finally decided it was time to go on across the road.

Ami was having a great time seeing the animals.
After dinner the kids went to the playground to play.

It was another wonderful day!

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