Saturday, July 16, 2016

Zao Island

Saturday, June 25, 2016 – Michigan City, IN

I was not sure what the plan for today was.  I was sure we would be working on Tony’s garage, but when I got to Tony’s I found out the plan was to go play putt-putt.  :)  Tony and Miranda needed to run by Lowe’s  to return a couple things and pick up a couple of things, so when we got to Zao Island we played at the arcade.  Avander and Alex wanted to take a ride the virtual roller coaster.  I think Alex was having a great time.  While Avander was not real sure what to think.

Eventually we made it out to the putt-putt course.  Right next to the booth where you pay for playing putt-putt they have a baby alligator exhibit.  The boys enjoyed watching them, but when Ami tried to go through the split rail fence on the side, poor little Avander freaked out and started pulling her back, crying “Ami don’t go down there, they will eat you”.  Mike J snatched Ami up and we let Avander know he did a good thing, even if Ami was not really in any danger of getting eaten by an alligator.  :)
Everyone seemed to really enjoy playing putt-putt.

Along the way they had a couple of miniature houses as part of the putt-putt course, but they were almost perfect size for Ami

Even Avander enjoyed getting in the pictures.  :)

After putt-putt Uncle Tony helped the boys in the batting cage.  :)

Then it was Tony’s turn to give it a whirl.

Last, but not least I gave it a try.

No one else wanted to give it a try, but we all had a wonderful time.  And now it was time for Miranda to head for work, Jess, Mike and kids to head to Mike’s parents’ house and Tony to get home to get some rest.  Tony and Miranda plan to head down to Cumberland tonight to pick up the boat.
I got home early, did a little packing up and called it a night early for a change.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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