Sunday, July 10, 2016

Check Out Houses

Saturday, June 11, 2016 - Nogeles, AZ

Last night Mike found one more campground in Nogeles, but it was listed as closed.  We decided we would check it out any way...Well it is not closed, but we now see why it is listed as closed.  Not a place I want to stay.  On to the next thing.  :)

We drove up to the De Anza RV park to see how long of a drive it would be for Mike.  Yesterday we made a lot of stops along the way back, so I did not really have a good feel for the amount of time it would take to get there.  The exit is at the 42km mark, which makes it about 26 miles from the border.  I was not sure if this was further than Mike wanted to drive each day, so this morning we drove around looking at possible homes to rent.  Around 10:30am we contacted a realtor to see if he had any furnished homes.  He was going to be showing a townhouse to someone at 11:30am, if we were interested in seeing it we could meet him there.  So we did.  I was not real impressed with the place.  He had another one, but we would not be able to see it today.  He had to give the owner notice in order to get into see it.  We agreed he would show it to Mike during the week.

It was now lunch time.  While at lunch we discussed what we were going to do this afternoon.  While driving around looking at houses we saw several cars parked at the Guy Tobin Trailhead, so we thought we would check it out.
As we were walking the trail we felt like we were walking in a cow pasture.  And one that was full of garbage at that.

This is part of the Anza Trail, which goes all the way up to San Francisco, CA.
This part of the trail runs along the San Cruz River, which in reading a sign we found out the river used to have water year round naturally, but now only has water in it year round because they dump the water from the sewage treatment plant into it.

It was rough terrain, so after walking about 2 miles we turned and headed back for the car.  We drove around a little more.  I took this picture to show how close to Nogales Mexico is to Nogales, AZ.

Then eventually went out to dinner.  We went to Rooster's.  It is similar to Buffalo Wild Wings.  It was a nice dinner.

It was another wonderful day!

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